14 Things That Make Libra The Best Sign

Dec 10, 2018 by apost team

Being around a Libra can be confusing at times. They are often a hard sign to figure out, but if you are determined to try, read on for the 14 things you should know about them.

1. Libras have strong opinions and are rebellious


Libras hate being told what they should do or how they should think. They often have a rebellious side that comes out when someone tries to change them. They are quite independent and will distance themselves from those who they believe are trying to control their life. Don’t expect them to be docile and meek. They will not hesitate to express how they really feel.


2. Libras will live the way they want to


A Libra values his or her independence more than most. They are one of the most independent signs of the zodiac and will prefer to rely on themselves. They would rather try and make it on their own without having to rely on anyone else for help. They succeed more in areas where their creativity and innovation can shine through.

3. A Libra is not a very good liar


A Libra is well-known for their pursuit of truth and justice, hence the scales being their sign. They wish for a system that is always right and fair. They are also terrible liars and will always tell you the truth about things. Even when it is just a little white lie, they have a terrible time trying to hide their true feelings. Since a Libra is always brutally honest, they will want others to be the same, as well.

4. A Libra is sarcastic and funny


A Libra is naturally sarcastic and funny. They don’t even have to try to make others laugh, it just comes naturally to them. Their humor is often dark, and they don’t even realize sometimes that they are being sarcastic to you.

5. A Libra is cautious about who they befriend


A Libra will always be extremely selective when it comes to who is permitted in their “inner circle.” They prefer to have a couple of really close friends rather than a whole bunch of casual acquaintances. They want friends who are loyal and will be there when they need them. They won’t hesitate to cut you out of their life if you betray them in any way.

6. A Libra can be very emotional but won’t always show it


Libra men and women can be very emotional at times. However, they will often try to keep it from the ones they love. They will often distance themselves in order to consider their emotions in private. If people try to prod and poke them, they can get irritated easily and snap. A Libra simply needs a little space to breathe sometimes.

7. A Libra can be unpredictable


A Libra often gets bored easily and will act out because of it. They despise dull routines and do not want to do the same thing every single day. Since they hate monotony, you may never know just what they are planning to do next. They enjoy living life with adventure around every corner. They are spontaneous but fun to be around.

8. They are great listeners


A Libra will always take the time to sit and listen to family and friends. They hate when others are feeling sad and lonely, so they will go out of their way to get them to open up. They will actually listen to you when you talk, and they will do their best to give you good advice.

9. A Libra loves to learn and is fast at it


A Libra has a very naturally curious mind. He or she will always try to figure out the way things work. Their minds are very detail-oriented and specific. They have an incredible thirst for knowledge and will pick up new bits of information quicker than most. They are always open to learning new things and ideas.

10. A Libra looks for the best in everyone


A Libra will always seek out the best in people. They are willing to overlook mistakes and will give a person a second chance. They hate having negative energy around them and will do what they can to make it disappear.

11. They can be absolutely weird at times


A Libra can be very weird at times. They often leave others wondering just what they are doing! However, friends and family love them for their eccentricities. They don’t care that they are not normal and will act the way that they want!

12. A Libra has big dreams and will make them come true


A Libra will always dream big, even if the situation they are currently in doesn’t seem as though it will allow it to happen. They have the power and skills that will make their dreams happen, too, once they put their minds to it. A Libra will do everything that they can to achieve their goals. You don’t want to get in their way!

13. A Libra is great in bed


A Libra is tolerant, undemanding, and quite open-minded when it comes to being a sexual partner. They are willing to try new things and aren’t ashamed of who they really are behind closed doors. They can also be very loving and tender when it comes to romance and foreplay. You won’t be disappointed if you take a Libra to bed.

14. A Libra wants the best for the world


A Libra will often take part in humanitarian efforts. They will often find work in humanitarian and charitable organizations. They really want the world to be a better place. They hate to see injustice being done, so they often choose careers where they can do something about it. They truly want to do some good in the world while they are alive.

Do you know a Libra who has these qualities? Or are there any traits of Libras that we missed? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article on to others!