13-Year-Old Cat Left In A Shelter Can Only Sleep Holding Hands With His New Mother

Jun 26, 2019 by apost team

It’s a heartbreaking thought that some people are forced to give up their pets when they move or as they age. But one woman had no other choice but to surrender her 13-year-old cat named Jamie to an RSPCA shelter in Australia when it was her time to be housed at a nursing home,

The cat was confused about his new surroundings without the only owner he’d ever known. He also came into the shelter with some health conditions that were causing him stress and discomfort. Not only was he suffering from kidney issues and bad dental hygiene, The Dodo reports, but he also had cat flu. Thankfully, the shelter nursed him back to health with the help of their veterinarians. He got some teeth removed, and his kidneys and flu were treated with medication.


When Jamie felt better, everyone was ecstatic about his condition. But one issue still remained. Who was going to adopt such an elderly cat? Thankfully, someone came along who wanted to give Jamie a wonderful home to spend the rest of his days in. Her name was Sarah Dempsey, and she had been looking for a cat or a kitten when she stumbled upon elderly Jamie and fell in love. Immediately upon meeting him, he was affectionate to her and began purring.

That’s when she knew she had to take him home with her. Even her first day having Jamie at home she already knew she made the right decision. He happily weaved through her legs as she walked, and always purred and spoke to her through meows.

But something even more adorable happened when Jamie went to sleep with Sarah for the first time. The cat seemed to want to hold her hand as he slept. While he was fast asleep, Sarah tried to move her hand, but Jamie objected with a meow. As she returned her hand to meet Jamie’s, he fell back asleep instantly. Now, this cat can’t sleep without holding his new owner’s hand, and the two sleep cuddled up together every night.

Bonding was immediate for these two, and it’s possible that they were meant to be together all along. Going from sick and abandoned to happy in a loving home is all we can ask for little Jamie.

What do you think about this story? Would you ever adopt an elderly animal in need of a home? Tell us in the comments below.