13 Signs You're More Intelligent Than You Ever Thought

Oct 08, 2018 by apost team

Have you ever found yourself questioning your own intelligence? Then, kindly remove that doubt from your mind, because we have 13 amazing signs that'll prove you are actually smarter than the average bear.

1. You Took Music Lessons as a Child


Numerous studies have shown that learning a musical instrument at a young age had increased childhood development (like this one by James Catterall in 1997, for example). In fact, the effects of learning music have substantially helped 4- to 6-year-olds increase their test scores, as well as enhance their ability to study.

If you've played an instrument in the past, then you likely have better adaptive reasoning skills today.


2. You're the Oldest in Your Family

istockphotos.com/Steve Debenport

The oldest siblings were revealed to have better IQs and were most successful in comparison to their younger siblings. It's possibly due to the fact that first-born children were usually the ones who received full attention from parents.

During childhood, older siblings can develop spectacular leadership traits when dealing with their younger siblings. The oldest is likely to become a future CEO or take on other leadership roles.

3. You're Very Fit

istockphotos.com/MStudioImages Back in 2006, an odd study revealed that individuals with a larger waistline had significantly lower cognitive abilities. Another research concluded that 11-year-olds that received poor test scores were likely to become obese by age 40. So basically, individuals that focus on improving their health are more likely to improve other aspects of themselves.

4. You've Guzzled Breast Milk as an Infant


There are a ton of studies to back this up, and one of them was conducted by a team of scientists from Britain and New Zealand. These scientists had studied nearly 3,000 kids and found out that the breastfed ones had scored 7 points higher on IQ tests than non-breastfed kids.

5. You've Always Enjoyed Reading Books


If you loved reading books while growing up, and still love reading them today, then it's a given that you're very intelligent. As part of a research, exactly 2,000 pairs of twins were studied and it revealed that the ones that read the most had scored higher in tests, even throughout college.

It's believed that reading from an early age can increase verbal and non-verbal abilities as well.

6. You are Left-Handed


Recent studies have shown that left-handed people are very astute, creative, free-thinkers and problem solvers. Research had also revealed that lefties are more inventive and can get out of a bad situation far better than right-handed people.

7. You're a Natural Worrywart

istockphotos.com/monkeybusinessimages Countless studies have proven that individuals that worry too much were smarter than carefree individuals. This is partly due to critical thinking and weighing the pros and cons of a situation before tackling it.

8. You're Taller Than Average

istockphotos.com/RichVintage In a Princeton University study, taller children were showed to have better studying capabilities than their shorter peers. As the taller ones reached adulthood, they have fared better financially as well.

9. You Have a Keen Sense of Humor


Intelligence and having a good sense of humor are actually in connection with one another. Researchers had made nearly 400 students take an intelligence test. Afterward, the students had to come up with witty captions for several cartoon scenes. The results had shown that those that had passed the test with flying colors had the funniest captions.

10. You're Just Plain Curious

istockphotos.com/101cats According to a study, a business psychology professor from a London university had found out that curiosity plays a major role in intellectuals. Those that are curious have developed a refined way of thinking. They are interested in discovering new things and evolving as a person.

11. You're a Perfectionist


Intelligent people are oftentimes perfectionists. This is because they are never quite satisfied with their work and strive to always make room for improvements. If you are a perfectionist that played in sports, then you've probably practiced a lot during after-hours to become the best player.

12. You Like to Stay Up Late

istockphotos.com/patchareeporn_s People that stay up late at night were found out to have more intellect than those that go to bed early. Scientists have concluded that smart people like to stay up to increase their abilities as much as they can.

13. You Have Sloppy Handwriting

istockphotos.com/wutwhanfoto It's said that bad penmanship is a type of creative disorder. A study claims that a person with a cluttered room or messy desk has better creative thinking abilities, as well as the ability to birth new ideas.

Did you proudly nod your head to at least several of these things? If so, then you're smarter than you realize. We hope that you've found this interesting and please feel free to pass it on to others!