13 Everyday Psychological Life Hacks You Should Know, That Can Be Effective Immediately

Dec 26, 2018 by apost team

The human mind is an incredible thing. It is something we may never truly understand in its full capacity. However, the complicated workings of our mind can often be triggered by the simplest of actions. These actions can be harnessed to help you embrace the true power of your mind.

By embracing this power, you can use incredibly simple tools to gain more mental peace and excel at life. You can use these 15 simple mental hacks to embrace that power, giving you the ability to get more out of life and have better relationships with everyone you meet.

Remember, these 15 hacks are meant to be used to bring about positivity in your life and the lives of those around you. It’s never too late to learn new mental hacks to improve your life!


1. Find Brilliance by Exuding Confidence


If you act like you know what you’re doing, it will instantly be construed as brilliance.

2. Physical Effects Of Emotions


Mimic the physical effects of things like happiness and confidence until you eventually gain those emotions.

3. Embrace Silence


If someone avoids a question, merely hold eye contact and say quietly. People will typically continue to explain to fill the silence.

4. Calm is Key


You being calm automatically calms down the other person.

5. The Best Defense Is A Good Offense


When you feel threatened, a simple mental hack is to sit down right next to the person you worry will attack you. Granted, this is a tactic for a work or interpersonal situation with someone you already know.

For example, if you feel a co-worker is going to attack you for a work-related situation, you can simply sit next to them in a big meeting. As a disclaimer, if you think you are going to be physically attacked, this is clearly not a proper tactic.

6. Eye Contact, Eye Contact, Eye Contact!


This one is so important that it needed to be said three times! While we know eye contact is important, we often tend to shy away from truly deep eye contact. It may feel awkward at first.

When you’re with someone, especially someone you don’t know very well, don’t hesitate to look deep into their eyes. Taking time to notice their emotions in their eyes will help forge a near-instant connection with that person.

7. Be Who You Want To Be Around


The result is an immediate connection. Behaving the way you would like someone else to behave is a simple way to condition them to mirror those behaviors.

8. Be Mr. Or Miss Fun


Don’t be afraid to step out of the box and take on an activity that will associate you with excitement and joy. This simple tip is especially helpful on a first date or when meeting a new person. They will be highly likely to continually associate you with fun for the rest of your relationship.

9. Let Them See Themselves


Putting a mirror in your office or behind your desk will help people to see what they look like, instantly causing them to be more positive.

10. Look At A Stressful Situation In A Positive Way


Did you know that the feeling of stress and the feeling of exhilaration have highly similar physical symptoms? You may feel nervous, increased heart rate or rapid breathing. Force yourself to feel excited about a situation. If all else fails you can simply fake it until you make it!

11. People Tend To Believe You


Getting rid of the habit of starting sentences by saying you believe something is a great habit to break. People generally believe others.

12. Go Big, Then Go Home


Did you know that people are more prone to say yes to something relatively minor after they have been asked for something larger or more serious? Asking for something bigger than what you really want can help you and the other party to agree on what it is you truly want. It’s a simple mental hack that can do wonders in your personal and professional life.

13. Who Is Connected To Whom?


People innately look at the person in the group they feel the most connected to.

Will you use some of these mental hacks to make your life easier and more positive? Let us know If you have any more useful moves and pass these wonderful tips on to anyone who could benefit from them!