12-Yr-Old CEO Creates Bow Ties For Shelter Dogs To Help Them Get Adopted.

Jul 04, 2019 by apost team

Some are born to lead, and others to follow. 

Darius Brown from Newark, New Jersey was only 8 year old when he was diagnosed with poor fine motor skills. That, however did not stop him from following his dream of helping shelter dogs everywhere find a forever home. 

To help with his difficulties, Darius started helping his big sister cut fabric to create bows. Speaking to PIX11 news, he said it takes him about 15 to 20 minutes to complete just one bow. 

Just three years later, Darius had his bow ties featured in a New York City Pet fashion show.


“I started making (the bows) for dogs because after Hurricane Harvey and Irma, I saw all the destruction that was happening, and that made me really sad,” he told PIX11. “So I thought, for a quick moment, why not if I donate some of my bow ties to the ASPCA, and then the dogs would get adopted faster.”

And so came the birth of his company Beaux and Paws, which he is the CEO of. He starting creating as many bows as possible and donating them to local shelters. When some companies heard Darius’ story, they started donating fabric and finances themselves to help his cause.

Even former president Barack Obama caught wind of the young business man, and sent him a handwritten letter to congratulate him. 

“Know that I am rooting for you in all you do, and I wish you the very best.” it read.


Today, Darius is inspiring thousands across the globe. He boasts a whopping 45.5 K followers on Instagram and has even been featured on the Rachel Ray show!
Dazhai Brown, who is Darius’ sister, created a GoFundMe page to help finance the Beux for Dogs project and have thus far raised over $4,000 to go towards their cause.

What do you think of Beux and Dogs? Do you have a little entrepreneur in your family too? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!