12 Ways To Get Rid Of A Bloated Tummy So You Can Finally Say Goodbye To Ab Exercises

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

It's normal to have some air in your stomach and intestines. In fact, your digestive system always has about four cups of gas in it. This gas comes from the bacteria that live inside your intestines and help break down your food. Without these friendly bacteria, also known as your microbiome, your body wouldn't be able to digest food efficiently.

But if you frequently eat foods that are difficult to digest, your microbiome has to work harder to break them down, and more gas is produced. As a result, you can end up uncomfortably bloated. We've put together a list of 12 tips for reducing bloat and getting a flatter stomach.

1. Massage your stomach to prevent your microbiome from creating so much gas.

Lay the palm of your hand on your stomach. Your fingers should be horizontal and your pinky finger should be right above your navel. Now find the spot right above your index finger. This is the spot you'll focus on massaging. Rub it in small circles with medium pressure, first in one direction and then in the other. After several minutes, you should notice that your mouth is producing more saliva. You may also notice a sour taste in your mouth.


2. Massage your stomach to prevent water bloat and stomachache.

If you tend to retain water after eating salty food, this massage will help. Place two fingers horizontally above your navel. The spot to massage is right above the second finger. Rub in small circles for several minutes, alternating directions.

3. Massage your lower abdomen to speed up the digestive process.

Lay your palm on your stomach. Your fingers should be horizontal and your index finger should be right underneath your navel. The correct spot to massage is directly under your pinky finger. As with the massages listed above, rub the spot in medium-sized circles in both directions for several minutes. This type of massage should improve your digestion and make you feel less bloated.

4. Hydrate the right way when you wake up.


Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water, or add several teaspoons of bottled lemon juice. Drink this combination every morning. You can drink an additional glass of water with lemon before every meal if you like. The lemon helps your stomach produce the right amount of acid to break your food down more thoroughly, which reduces gas formation. It can also help cut down on heartburn.

5. Rethink your breakfast beverage.


Coffee and milk are both popular morning drinks, but they can cause bloating. Both drinks can cause your stomach to produce too much acid, which often leads to excess gas. Try replacing your morning glass of milk with a glass of kefir instead, which is fermented and easier to digest, or simply eat some yogurt for breakfast.

6. Don't drink during meals.


Drinking water or other beverages while you're eating can weaken your stomach acid and slow down the process of digestion. As a result, food can start to ferment in your digestive tract, which is a surefire recipe for gas and bloating.

7. Always eat before drinking alcohol.


Alcohol is harsh on an empty stomach. When you chug a beer or take a shot without eating anything first, your stomach acid production goes into overdrive. All this acid can kill off the beneficial bacteria that live in your digestive tract. It's also bad for your stomach itself. If you must drink alcohol, make sure that you eat a meal first.

8. Brew a cup of lemon and ginger tea every day.


Ginger root is good for the stomach, among other health benefits. It cuts down on excess stomach acid production and gives your microbiome a boost. Ginger is also beneficial for your circulation, which improves digestion. You can brew ginger tea by steeping a tablespoon or two of grated ginger in hot water for 10 minutes.

9. Focus on carbs and protein, not fat.


You need some fat in your diet, but too much fat is hard for your body to break down. This can lead to slower digestion, more bloating, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Cut down on your fat consumption to reduce your bloating and feel more comfortable after eating.

10. Be careful not to swallow air.

Not all of the air in your digestive tract comes from the formation of gas. Some of it is just air you've swallowed over the course of the day. You can accidentally swallow air when you talk, smoke a cigarette, scarf down food too quickly, or eat without chewing thoroughly. Even drinking soda can cause bloating and stomachaches.

11. Eat a moderate amount of fiber.


Some fiber is good for your microbiome. Too much, however, can be difficult to digest. This can lead to -- you guessed it -- bloating and gas. Eat your fruits and vegetables, but do so in moderation.

12. Take care of your mental health.


If you're stressed-out and unhappy, your body can't digest food efficiently. Try meditating every day to calm your anxiety and help your intestines do their job properly.

Did you enjoy this article? Can you think of any other useful tips for banishing bloating and gas? Tell us what you think! If you found this information useful, pass it along to your family and friends so they can benefit from it, too.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!