11 Habits That Will Help You Shed Pounds In A Heartbeat

Jun 27, 2018 by apost team

If you're finding it challenging to lose weight, it's time to change your habits! These 11 healthy habits are great to pick up if you want to shed pounds as quickly as possible. 

1. Try A Low Carb Diet

Studies are now beginning to show that for many people, a diet lower in carbohydrates may be more successful than a diet low in fat. Not to mention, when you begin a low-carb diet, you shed water weight within the first week, which can be a great motivator to get you going long-term.


2. Cut Calories, But Don't Starve

When you're dieting, it's important not to starve yourself. Determine the amount of calories you need per day and then eat healthy, whole foods to fulfill them. When you're eating nothing but fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean meats, you'd be amazed at how much you can actually eat!

3. Drink More Water

Most of us are not drinking enough water. When you're losing weight, a large amount of the fat that leaves your body is through your urine, (Thompson, 2017). Not to mention, you're hydrating yourself which has an abundance of benefits. So get peeing!

4. Do Cardio

Ah, the dreaded cardio. Cardiovascular exercise is very important for weight loss. The more you get your heart pumping, the more fat you're burning. The American Heart Association recommends getting 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise, such as a fast-paced walk or a walk over hilly terrain. As an alternative, they recommend 75 minutes per week of vigorous or high-intensity cardio such as running or interval training (American Heart Association, 2018).

5. Lift Weights

For those of us that despise the dreaded cardio, know that your entire exercise regime doesn't have to entail running for hours on end. Lifting weights is an amazing way to lose weight and keep it off! While cardio burns fat, weight lifting builds muscle. The more muscle your body has, the more fuel it needs to maintain that muscle, increasing your metabolism overall and burning more calories every day, even while you're doing nothing! Do not underestimate the fat-loss power of a weightlifting regimen.

6. Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store

Just because stores sell a product doesn't mean it's good for your body to consume. A great shopping habit is to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store where you can find fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, nuts, and seeds. Our ancestors thrived off of these foods for thousands of years. They're amazing for your body!

7. Choose Whole Grains

When eating foods like bread, cereal, pasta, and the like, it's important to always choose whole grains. Whole grains not refined or bleached and contain more fiber per serving. Which leads us to...

8. Eat More Fiber

Most of us aren't getting the daily amount of fiber we need. Women need about 25 grams a day and men need about 28 (WebMD, 2018). Fiber is excellent for 4 main reasons: 1. It cleans your colon and reduces your risk of certain digestive-related cancers. 2. It helps regulate your blood sugar. 3. It helps keep your bowel movements regular. and 4. It moves faster through your intestines, triggering your feelings of being full sooner than lower fiber foods. 

9. Cut Out Bad Habits 

 A good habit to obtain is to cut out your bad habits! Depending on what your current lifestyle is like, this may seem overwhelming at first. Start with getting rid of one bad habit. For example, if you're like my mother who drinks everything but water, try cutting out one bad drink, such as soda, and replace it with water. 

10. Choose Healthy Fats 

Fat has been taboo in the American diet for a long time. Fat is not bad for us! Saturated and trans fats are not-so-great, while monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are great for our heart health. Instead of fried, processed foods, choose fresh fish, nuts, seeds, and lean meats for healthy fats. 

11. Cheat!

Yea, I said it. It's okay to cheat once in a while. Moderation is key. For starters, if you never cheat, you'll be more likely to break the rules and quit your healthy lifestyle entirely. Another benefit of cheating is simply the shock to your system. If you eat healthy all week, then have a cheat night on Friday, you'll prevent your body from getting used to your new, lower calorie consumption and slowing your metabolism as a result. But stick to one night a week, don't go crazy and ruin your efforts.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!

By picking up these 11 healthy habits, you'll see great weight loss results in no time! What do you think, do you have any healthy habits for weight loss? We'd love to hear your opinion!