11 Habits Couples Deeply in Love Do

Mar 21, 2018 by apost team

There must be a secret recipe for a successful, loving relationship! So we did some investigating and found these 11 things that all couples, deeply in love, say they do. Scroll down to see how many you are already doing and how many good habits you should pick up. 

1. Communicate

Communication is the foundation of every relationship in life, but when you're romantically involved, it can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. Maybe you don't want to hurt your partner's feelings or sound dramatic, but when you keep things from your partner, you will drift apart. Ask each other how to approach touchy subjects so that both of you feel respected. You should be able to share the most trivial parts of your day and your deepest thoughts.


2. Trust

Can you ever truly be happy if you're constantly worried about what your partner is doing when you're not around? If you have the urge to check his phone, your instincts may mean something is wrong. You should always feel safe sharing any insecurities and doubts. Your partner is there to alleviate your bad thoughts and make you feel loved. If they get defensive and blame you, then they could be untrustworthy or just plain insensitive.

3. Focus On Them

Some couples don't have problems with acknowledging other people are attractive. It is human nature. But when you're on a date with your partner, the last thing either of you should be doing is ogling someone else. By not focusing on your partner, they may feel insecure or unloved.

4. Work Together

Wedding ceremonies often include the vow to be together through sickness and in health because being a couple means being there for each other no matter what. It's okay to get frustrated by whatever problems life throws your way, but you should feel confident that your partner will help you get through it, no matter what. The two of you are a team.

5. Have Fun

Why would you want to spend all of your time with someone who doesn't make you laugh? Your partner should be your best friend. You should enjoy each other's company and not feel self-conscious when you act silly.

6. Nurture Growth

You don't need a better half. You are a whole person on your own. When you're in a relationship, your partner should inspire you to be the best you can be, whether it's pep-talking you to ask for that raise or helping you quit an unhealthy habit.

7. Love Fiercely

Some people believe that love dwindles after the honeymoon phase, but it's the opposite. Love evolves and deepens with time, and you should fall in love with your partner all over again every day.

8. Be Yourself

Don't ever waste your time on someone who wants to change you for their own selfish reasons. You should never feel like you are not good enough the way you are. You shouldn't have to change the way you act or look unless you want to.

9. Discuss Your Values

You can't build a life with someone who believes that lying is okay if you're someone who believes in telling the whole truth all the time. Your partner is not a bad person if he thinks it is better to spare someone's feelings by telling a lie, but if you don't agree on the same core morals, then it will cause a lot of pain and arguing the rest of your relationship.

10. Share The Same Lifestyle

You must discuss politics, religion, and future goals with any partner you're serious about. If you want a big family and he wants to focus on his career, no amount of love can keep you together if one person feels like they have to give up their dreams.

11. Be Committed

Love isn't always easy. Each day you have to choose each other. People change as they age and sometimes you can drift apart. You have to ask yourself if this person is good for you. If you truly love each other, then you will both work together through all the ups and downs.


Do you agree that these are all important for a loving relationship? Let us know which one makes the top of your list and let's see what your friends and loved ones think too!