103-Year-Old Goes Skydiving And Shatters World Record For Oldest Person To Attempt It

Jul 12, 2020 by apost team

When 103-year-old Al Blaschke made a 14 thousand foot skydiving jump, it had viewers around the world tuned in. He set a new unofficial world record and showed that age does not have to be a limit on experiencing thrilling new things.

This 103 Year Old's Skydiving Adventures Have Made the Internet Community Go Wild

Going skydiving is one of the most intense experiences that a person can have. It is for this reason that viewers around the world were shocked when a video surfaced that showed 103-year-old Al Blaschke engaging in this death-defying pursuit. His big jump took place on July 3, 2020. What is as impressive is the fact that Al just became the new world record holder for the oldest person to go skydiving.

This impressive feat proves that age does not have to be a barrier for pursuing one's dreams and continuing to live life to its fullest extent. The video of Al going skydiving has caused quite a stir across the web since it first appeared. Countless viewers have been shocked, amazing, and impressed with his bravery and his commitment to living life on his terms.


When Placed in Proper Perspective, Al's Accomplishment Is Not That Surprising

Though seeing a centenarian going skydiving is impressive and unexpected, knowing a little bit about the life of Al Blaschke puts this all in perspective and makes it less shocking that he would engage in such an extreme pursuit. There has been constant press about the current global health crisis these past few months. What many might not know about Al is that when he was a child, he survived one of the most infamous health crises during the early part of the Twentieth Century in the form of the Spanish Flu.

He has also seen major world events the include the Great Depression and has dealt with the dangers of the current global health crisis. Surviving all of these things and living to the age of 103 is impressive enough, but Al proved that he is not done living his life to the fullest when he completed his world record skydiving jump. Adding this feat to his impressive life story is something that has inspired viewers around the world when they saw the footage.

An Adventure That Involved Several Family Generations

Al Blaschke was not alone when he engaged in his death-defying feat. When he made his 14 thousand foot jump, his two grandsons were there with him.

This fact served to add to the emotional impact of this brave senior citizen making his big jump and setting a new world record. It also proved that Al commits to fully experiencing life that many people far younger than him would be jealous of.

A Surprising Decision

It is quite a surprising decision to see a man that is 103 years old going skydiving. Not only is he 103, but Al was 180 days into the 103rd year of life when he did his big jump.

Knowing his impressive backstory helps to put it all in perspective though and makes it less surprising. It is one of the most impressive feats to circulate on the internet this year and has brought Al a large fanbase.

How did you react when you first saw the video of Al Blaschke making his record-breaking skydiving jump? Were you blown away with his bravery and his zest for life at 103 years of age? If you instantly became a fan of Al when you saw his jump, pass this video along so that more people can find out about his feat.