101-Year-Old WWII Veteran Commissions Grandson At Air Force Graduation Ceremony

Jun 05, 2019 by apost team

Being there for your loved ones is something we all wish we could do. However, this can become difficult as time goes by, with aging and life's various complications often getting in the way. This is why it's so important to be there for those you love whenever you can, taking advantage of the most important moments in one's life to emphasize how important love is.

This is why when Joseph Kloc was about to graduate from the United States Air Force Academy, it was incredibly important for him to see his grandfather, Walter Kloc, there to commission him upon graduation.

You see, in this situation, not only was Joseph's grandfather a World War II veteran, but he was also 101 years old at the time of the graduation ceremony


To see his grandfather be there to greet him on such an important day and be able to commission him was undoubtedly a special moment that Joseph will never forget.

This experience of witnessing something special wasn't only something that Joseph felt, though—because of the uniqueness of a WWII veteran being there to congratulate the graduates, Walter Kloc received a standing ovation from the audience! Walter was an Air Force pilot, giving an extra sense of poignancy to those in attendance for seeing a true legend be celebrated in such a unique context.

Thankfully, Joseph is able to carry on his family's legacy by continuing his service with the Air Force. In fact, Joseph is actually only at the beginning of his journey in the service. This is because commissioned officer training comes after graduation, giving Joseph an entirely new set of customs and requirements to live up to. Because his family is so supportive of him, this should be no problem.

Not only does Joseph have plenty of inspiration, but the bravery of his grandfather shows that his family is also very good at being on the front lines! If you want to see the whole commissioning ceremony for yourself, be sure to check out this wonderful coverage!

What do you think? Are you inspired by the actions that Walter took to celebrate his grandson's graduation? Be sure to show this article to your friends and family – it'll brighten their day for sure!