10+ Ways You'll Know You've Definitely Found Your Soul Mate

Sep 06, 2018 by apost team

It can be a cold, cruel world out there, so if you've found the one, hold on tight. Consider over ten signs that you've found your soulmate.

1. It's easy to connect.

Everyone has been a part of a conversation that just felt forced. It doesn't feel good. You can't wait for it to end. However, this isn't the case with a soulmate. It's easy to connect on virtually anything. Your conversation flows. You can sit in silence and feel connected. You can talk for hours and feel the same way.


2. You communicate really well.

Communication is paramount in any relationship. A lack of communication is one of the reasons why people break up. Everything from tone, body language, and word choice are taken into consideration. When you're able to communicate with one another well, this takes a lot of the struggle out of the equation. You'll still have to work on your communication with one another but you won't have to work as hard.

3. You two are peas in a pod.

When you two are together, it as if you two are in your own world. You can entertain one another and have tons of fun together. This is important when you're looking for your soulmate because you will spend a lot of time together if you choose to become partners in life.

4. You're passionate with one another.

When you love each other, you love each other hard. You fight with one another hard. However, there's a different type of intensity because you love each other so much. There's a passion behind your projects that you work on together. There's a specific intensity that you feel when it comes to defending the other person as well.

5. There's a familiarity.

When you've met your soulmate, there's a sense of ease. There's a familiarity. It's as if you've known the person your whole life. There's a sense of comfort there that is rare. You don't experience that feeling with everyone.

6. The understanding is mutual.

When you've met your soulmate, there are certain things you don't really have to explain. It's as if the feeling is mutual and understood. When you don't have to go into depth about certain decisions, it's clear that you two are on the same page.

7. You love them, flaws and all.

Everyone has something they're not proud of. Whether it's a mistake they made in a previous relationship or a failure they experienced in their career, there are things that everyone wants to hide in the depths of their past. However, when you really love a person, you can see their flaws and still love them anyway.

8. You don't want to live life without them.

Of course, there was a time in your life where you didn't know the person and you live life just fine. However, now that you know them, you don't want to ever experience life without them.

9. You feel like you have a partner for life.

In life, everyone hits a few bumps in the road. However, it's challenging when you have to deal with the struggles alone. When you have somebody who's there to hold your hand through it all, you have a partner for life.

10. You're psychic with one another.

There's a sense of telepathy that happens between soulmates. You could be in different places and know something's wrong with your partner without them telling you.

11. Their eyes tell it all.

The eyes are known as the windows to the soul. When you just catch a glimpse of them staring at you, there's a different feeling that comes over you. That's because you're staring into the eyes of your soulmate.

12. You're inspired.

When you're around the right energy, it's inspiring. When you have met your soulmate, it typically makes you want to be a better person in the world. You also want to do the same for them.

13. There's honesty.

Nothing's more stifling than being in a relationship with a liar. A liar will find ridiculous things to lie about. It's very difficult to move forward in a trusting relationship with somebody who is committed to lying. However, you won't experience that with a soulmate because they have nothing to hide.

14. There's depth.

You can't settle for surface conversations with a soulmate. If your conversations always stay at a surface level, this is an indication that you might want to move on to somebody else. When you're with a soulmate, you can't help but be philosophical and deep in your conversations with one another.

15. You're both students of life.

You're both committed to learning how you can become better in life as a result of your experiences. You're also committed to learning from your mistakes and improving.

16. You're supportive of one another.

If you're starting a new job or beginning a new personal development journey, your soulmate will root for you. When you're able to effortlessly support one another, this is a sign you found the one.

Everyone deserves this type of love. If you know of a few friends who are stuck in relationships that aren't soulmate-worthy, let them know about these signs so they can make a few changes in their love life.