10+ Ways To Tell You Aren't A Priority In Someone's Life

Jul 20, 2018 by apost team

Realizing that you're in a one-sided relationship can be tough. Here are 13 signs you might not be that important in someone's life.

They lie about things that aren't important.

If they can't be bothered to tell you the truth about anything, you might want to look elsewhere.


You don't get invited to the big events in their life.

If they are going solo or inviting someone else to birthdays, parties and weddings, that's a sign you aren't very important to them.

They forget the things you tell them.

Caring about you means caring about what's happening in your life. If they can't remember those details, they may not care very much.

Plans aren't made in advance.

Someone who phones you late on a Friday night and asks what you are doing is sending a message loud and clear. You are the last resort, not a priority.

You make excuses for them to others.

It's not your job to manage their bad behavior.

They often cancel plans.

That sounds like you're a backup plan, something to do until a better offer comes along.

You aren't happy.

Every relationship has its down times, but if you find you are unhappy more than you are happy, it may be time to leave.

Texts go unanswered for hours or days.

Everyone gets busy now and again and can't respond to a text quickly, but if more of your texts than not are getting ignored, you probably aren't a priority.

You put your own plans on hold while you wait to see what they will do.

Holding off on having a life while someone else makes up their mind is never a good idea.

You are the only one trying.

If you feel like you are making all the plans and putting all the effort in, you probably are.

You don't go out.

If you spend all your time together behind closed doors and don't go out on dates, that's not a good sign.

They accuse you of neediness.

Wanting normal levels of contact or consideration isn't needy. If they've said this, it might be time to move on.

They seem bored.

If they are indifferent to your presence, maybe it's time you went elsewhere.

It can be tough to face the fact that someone doesn't care about, but the sooner you realize it the better. Comment with some ways you have realized someone isn't really into you.