10 Things That Will Happen Once You Start Enjoying Being Alone

Nov 04, 2018 by apost team

Being alone is often considered undesirable. Some people assume those who enjoy spending time by themselves are misfits, loners, and oddballs.

The truth is that learning to enjoy being alone is extremely empowering. Spending time in solitude actually offers plenty of advantages.

You don't need to go to the extreme of becoming a hermit. It is important to your mental and emotional health to develop meaningful connections to others. But it's healthy to balance spending time with others and learning to be alone.

The following list includes ten great side effects of learning how to thrive on your own.

1. You'll have time to relax.


Being around people on a constant basis can be overly stimulating to your mind and emotions. When you're alone, you don't have to worry about trying to always spend time reading and reacting to social cues.


2. You'll have time to stop and smell the roses.


Keeping your social calendar full all the time leaves little time for slowing down and appreciating the world around you or even for taking time to think deeply. When you're alone you'll find you have time to focus on ideas you rarely give a second thought when people are around.

3. You'll be better equipped to take your own emotional temperature.


Being around others all the time means that their emotional states tend to be foremost in your mind. When you're alone, you're more able to get in tune with your own feelings. Once you develop a deeper understanding of how you feel, you'll be better able to control your emotions in different situations.

4. You can engage in activities that interest you.


If you spend time alone you don't constantly have to go along with the interests of the crowd. If you have a desire to develop an unconventional hobby, you won't have anyone holding you back from exploring your unique interests.

5. You can get more meaningful work accomplished.


Spending time with others can be enjoyable, but sometimes it keeps you from finishing necessary tasks. When you're alone, you're free from wasting valuable hours and minutes on chit chat and small talk. You may be surprised at how much your productivity increases when you're on your own.

6. You'll gain a new appreciation for connections with other people.


The old saying that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is really true. When you don't see other people in your life all the time, you'll be more likely to cherish the time you do spend together. You also won't run as high of a risk of wearing out your welcome or tiring of other people's company.

7. You'll increase your confidence level.


When you're always surrounded by other people you can come to depend on them too much for emotional support or just basic life skills. Learning to be more independent can boost your confidence in your own abilities and encourage you to develop life skills you never thought you could before.

8. You won't feel stressed out by always trying to please others.


When you're always interacting with others you can start to feel drained by seeking to make sure they feel satisfied. When you're alone you won't be constantly catering to the whims and wishes of other people. Taking a break from trying to keep others happy all the time can be extremely liberating.

9. You won't need to say you're sorry as often.


One of the best ways to avoid sticking your foot in your mouth is by simply making it a habit to talk to people less often. If you struggle with constantly offending people accidentally and having to say you're sorry all the time, consider simply spending more time alone.

10. You won't constantly seek approval for your choices from other people.


When you spend too much time in the company of others you can come to rely on their judgments about you, both good and bad, to an unhealthy degree. Spending time alone helps you get a more healthy perspective and can give you an ability to make choices without worrying about offending or appeasing other people.

You can still seek out advice when you feel it necessary, but you won't have to feel restricted by the thoughts and opinions of those around you when it comes to your personal decisions about areas that only really impact your life.

Though spending time with others is rewarding, being on your own certainly does offer a whole host of important benefits.

What about you? Do you always have to be with other people, or are you comfortable spending time alone? We would love to know your thoughts about this interesting topic in the comments. Feel free to pass this story along to others in your life who would appreciate learning some of the advantages of spending more time in solitude.