10 Reasons Why A Strong Relationship With Your Dad Makes You An Empowered Woman

Dec 20, 2018 by apost team

For a woman to navigate this world, she needs to be given as much support as possible. Being inspired by role models can teach her that she has so much to offer the world.

While there is no limit to who you can be inspired by, one of the best is your father. This list will show you how having a strong bond with your father will help give you the resolve to be the best woman you can possibly be.

1. You understand how men are supposed to treat women.


Having a close relationship with your father gives you an immediate understanding of what masculinity is supposed to be. Media portrayals can create the illusion that women are meant to be subjugated by men. This can lead to girls feeling like they're going to have to live a life of just trying to please men. Your father can teach you that the only person you're meant to please is yourself.


2. You have confidence in yourself.


Nobody is born with confidence by default. It's something that needs to be nurtured, like how seeds are grown into lovely flowers. When a father is close to his daughter, he empowers her to believe in herself. The idea of second-guessing your decisions is all but non-existent.

3. You can see how you can be strong and vulnerable at the same time.


Being close with their children requires a father to let his guard down. He has to be willing to be silly, sad, and anything else in front of them. Expressing these emotions doesn't make them weak. Instead, it makes them strong, as strength comes from the ability to be comfortable with yourself in all kinds of circumstances.

4. You see opportunities, not obstacles.


When the odds are stacked against you, you embrace it and figure out what the next step is. This is what happens when you have a close relationship with your father. He'll be honest with you about how life will be difficult at times. But he'll also show you how overcoming challenges is one of the biggest pleasures in life.

5. You don't let anyone push you around.


A close bond with your father will teach you that you are your own person and that no one has the right to take that away from you. Respect isn't a privilege. It's something that should be afforded to everyone, regardless of gender. If anyone tries to defy you on the basis of believing you're fine with being jerked around, you'll be able to quickly put them in their place.

6. You know how to forgive.


One of the greatest virtues you can possess is the power to forgive. When people make mistakes, the biggest one you can make is to refuse to forgive. The sign of a great parent isn't one who teaches their child to be afraid of making afraid mistakes but one who forgives their child when they make mistakes. When your father makes mistakes, you can show forgiveness towards him as well.

7. You don't give up.


Challenges are always going to pop up in life, some bigger than others. A father should teach his daughter that when life gets hard, giving up isn't the answer. It often turns out that solutions are closer than we realize. When you feel like the odds are against you, you can recall times when you succeeded against all odds.

8. You and your friends support each other.


A strong bond with your father teaches you all about loyalty. This can lead to you demonstrating the same kind of support to your friends. Because you're so used to your father offering words of encouragement, it comes naturally for you to do the same for others that you care about. There is no competition or animosity among you. All of you want the best for one another.

9. You don't accept "good enough".


Going through life conditioned to accept mediocrity is no way to live. There's so much potential waiting to be unlocked within you. A great father will teach his daughter that she is in no way obligated to be fine with an underwhelming life. Your life may not be perfect, but it definitely should be worthwhile.

10. You have a friend for life.


Your father is one of the few friends who you've known your entire life. He sees you grow and mature and develop into the person you are. He will also love you unconditionally and offer you guidance. There are no expectations on behalf of either person, and the rewards are everlasting.

Do you have a great relationship with your father? How has it made you a stronger woman? Show this article to your dad to thank him or to a daddy's girl you know!