10 of the Worst Things a Bad Boss Does

Jun 19, 2018 by apost team

A bad boss makes for a bad work environment, which in turn leads to a high turnover for employees. It's difficult to invest in a job that isn't investing in you. A bad boss makes an employee feel anxious and detached. On the other end, when a boss treats their employees with respect, it makes it easier for those employees to work hard and stay with it. Some bosses pick up bad habits and behaviors that make it hard for an employee to feel appreciated or passionate about their job. These are ten of the worst.

1. Micromanagement

Micromanaging is the enemy of creativity, innovation, and trust among employees. It creates a very stifling environment. The employee may even feel like they're being harassed. An employee is hired to do a job, so give them room to do it.


2. Set-ups to Fail

When a boss focuses more on their employees weaknesses and mistakes rather than what they've accomplished, it can be very discouraging. These types of bosses are also reluctant to hire people who are more capable than they are. They would rather see their employees fail so that they can hold it against them.

3. Play Favorites

Some bosses choose their favorites and will only give special opportunities, such as raises and promotions, to these employees.

4. Stolen Credit

A bad boss will even steal credit for their employees' work or ideas to make themselves look good. No employee wants to work for someone that will just take credit for that work.

5. False Promises

A boss that promises rewards for reaching certain goals just to change that goal or not deliver the reward will eventually be seen as untrustworthy.

6. Never listens

An employee wants to be heard and know that their feedback is recognized. When a boss doesn't listen, ignores recommendations, or never admits their mistakes, then employees will stop trying.

7. Doesn't have their Employees' Back

When you're working for the same team, it's discouraging when the boss doesn't have anyone's back (except for their own). A bad boss would rather throw their employees to the wolves than stand up for them.

8. Overworked

A bad boss forgets what it's like to be the employee. Their unrealistic expectations, criticism, and lack of empathy can be very demoralizing. The job should be less about the bottom-line and more about the people that are working for them.

9. Temper Tantrums

There are some bosses who lose their cool when things go wrong. They're disrespectful, insulting, and don't care who they upset. They use fear and intimidation rather than motivating their employees properly.


An incompetent boss is incapable of performing the work required for their position or just thinks that it isn't their job to work, so they dump their responsibilities off on their employees. No one wants to work for a boss that cannot or will not do their own work.

Have you ever had a bad boss? Tell us about it!