10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips Are Outdated

Jul 03, 2018 by apost team

The rules of living healthy have changed. After all, society used to think that smoking was good for you. Having increased awareness of health is vitally important. This list will help you understand why some so-called healthy living rules are no longer appropriate to preach as gospel.

1. Eight hours of sleep a night

Don't think that you need to get a full eight hours in order to be properly rested and healthy. While it's true that some people need more rest in order to get through the day, research suggests that seven hours of sleep is enough for most people. What's important is being consistent and having a set sleep schedule.


2. Breakfast overload

Breakfast might be considered the most important meal of the day, but that doesn't mean you have to gorge yourself. While you should eat at least something to get your metabolism going, it can be as light as possible. Follow your body's natural cravings instead of eating for the sake of eating.

3. Morning jogging

Yes, exercise is vital and jogging early can get your day started on the right foot (literally), but don't think that you have to push yourself to work out when you're not ready to. It can be exhausting and demanding on your body.

4. Not eating sweets

Sure, you shouldn't be gorging on candy every day, but you can certainly benefit from sweets. Due to their inclusion of glucose, your brain can benefit from healthy sweets like fruit.

5. Over-training

If you're going to the gym and pushing yourself to your limit, you might be sabotaging yourself. There's no need to lift or run until the point of absolute collapse. Instead, stop exercising when you feel yourself getting tired.

6. Avoiding water with meals

Anyone who told you to not drink water with meals is wrong. Water is beneficial for a number of reasons, with one of the biggest being how it aids digestive health. Want a meal to go down easier? Drink water with it.

7. Eating meals at the same time every day 

When it comes to eating, listen to what your body has to say. Are you hungry? If so, you should eat. If not, you should wait until you are hungry. While having no appetite is a reason for intervention from a medical expert, you shouldn't try to force food into your body during times when you're just not craving it.

8. Constant Teethbrushing

While brushing your teeth is important for keeping them healthy, you shouldn't be brushing after every single meal. Doing so can have negative effects through harming enamel and gums. Brushing after you wake up and at bed is plenty.

9. Not eating bread

Don't listen to all the anti-carbs sentiment. You need the fiber and associated nutrients in bread in order to stay healthy. Just make sure that there isn't an imbalance and that you aren't eating more carbs that your body is meant to handle.

10. Drinking tons of water

While water is important for your body, don't think that you need to drink it round the clock in order to be healthy. As with food, you should pay attention to when your body is craving water. You can also use other healthy beverages for replenishment when thirsty. It is good to start your day off with a full glass of water.

We hope this article has given you a great deal to consider when it comes to your health. It's understandable if some things took you by surprise, as they surprised us too. We encourage you to offer any feedback and show this to your friends.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!