10 Foods You Should Add To Your Daily Diet To Improve Your Eyesight

Nov 12, 2018 by apost team

You've probably been told that you need to eat your vegetables, especially carrots, for better vision. While there is some truth behind this, there are a few other foods that you might want to keep in your kitchen because they are good for your eyesight as well.

You want to check the foods that you purchase to see that they have high amounts of vitamins A, E, and C. Items that have high zinc levels are good for your eyes as well.



This vegetable is at the top of the list of foods to eat if you want to keep your eyes healthy. Beta-carotene is abundant in carrots. This is a component that is associated with vitamin A and is also an antioxidant. Carrots can often slow the risk of degenerative disease that's associated with aging, which means that you could see longer in life than if you didn't consume carrots.


Bell Peppers


There is a high level of vitamin A in these colorful beauties as well. Since they are fat-free and have a high content of vitamin C, they are a good food to have on hand for preparing meals or to cook to eat with only a few seasonings. Stick to orange bell peppers to see the most benefits!

Berries Everywhere


Any kind of berry is good for your eyesight. Darker berries are often better for your eyes than those that are red or lighter in color.



Listen to your parents when they tell you to eat your broccoli. It's a food that has a high fiber content, a high level of vitamin C and could potentially prevent blindness.

Sweet Potatoes And Squash

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The beta-carotene and vitamin A in sweet potatoes are beneficial for the function of the retina in the eye. The retina is a vital part of the eye because it adapts to darkness. Squash is another food that is beneficial for the retina.

Kale And Spinach


This is another green food that has high levels of vitamins, including those that help to prevent cataracts. You can substitute kale for the lettuce that you have in your salad. Another option is to make kale chips in the oven. Spinach is another leafy vegetable that is beneficial. It has a high content of vitamin C that can slow the development or progression of cataracts.



If you don't like to eat a lot of vegetables, then consider one of the many fruits that are good for eye health. Beta-cryptoxanthin is abundant in oranges as well as vitamins A and C, all combining to aid in the health of the retina.



This is a food that you might not think about when you picture the health of your eyes. The small orange fruits can be used to make everything from pudding to smoothies.

Chia Seeds And Nuts


Add a few chia seeds to your cereal, a milkshake, or a smoothie for more calcium in your diet. They also have high levels of antioxidants. The surface of your eye benefits from the omega-3 fatty acid found in chia seeds. There are several types of nuts that you can enjoy that benefit the eyes as well. Walnuts and pecans are at the top of the list, but any nut has the vitamin E and zinc that is needed for eye health.



If you enjoy fish, then consider eating a nice piece of salmon. There is a high level of omega-3 fatty acid in this kind of fish. The acids aid in the regrowth of the vessels that are located in the retina of your eye.

Are you going to introduce some of these foods into your daily diet? Let us know in the comments and show this article to a friend or family member!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!