10 Elegant Swimmers Form A Line And The Audience Is Drawn To The Woman At The Back

Mar 27, 2020 by apost team

Synchronized swimming has been around a long time, but doing a routine to rock music is a new thing. The Spanish synchronized swimming team put on a memorable performance to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" at the World Aquatics Championships in Rome, Italy.

Most people wouldn't associate classic rock with synchronized swimming, but in 2009, 10 ladies from Spain set out to change the way people view their sport, reports Little Things. Synchronized swimming is often described as an underwater ballet. Swimmers must be fit and flexible, and if you think dancing on land is hard, try pulling off the perfect pirouette in the water.


Synchronized swimming, sometimes called artistic swimming or water ballet, got its start in the late 1800s, but has probably been around for much longer, reports Smithsonian Magazine. It originally combined aspects of dance, gymnastics, and swimming. Artistic swimming became popular during WWII when it was featured in several movies.

Synchronized swimming is usually performed to music that has no vocals. These Spanish swimmers broke that unwritten rule with their performance, and it was worth it. They won their first gold medal, and they attracted a lot of attention from classic rock fans who wouldn't normally watch a synchronized swimming routine.

According to The Globe and Mail, more athletes are choosing to incorporate their favorite music into their routines. Canadian swimmers Elise Marcotte and Marie-Pier Boudreau-Gagnon recently performed to a Metallica song, and the Aussie National Team blasted an AC/DC song during their synchronized swim competition. Two Russian swimmers brought home the gold after they used a Metallica music video as the inspiration for their performance.

Some of you may remember that Led Zeppelin's own Jimmy Page performed at the 2008 Olympics with Leona Lewis. The unlikely duo performed "Whole Lotta Love" during the closing ceremony.

You can watch these ten talented ladies perform their synchronized swim routine to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" in the video below. Keep an eye out for the guitar. Synchronized swimmers train for their entire life to put on a performance like the one you just watched. They dedicated their entire lives to preparing for one moment, and they did a fantastic job.

Did you enjoy this gold medal-winning performance? Do you think these athletes did "Stairway to Heaven" justice? Tell us how you feel in the comments and don't forget to tag your friends who love classic rock!