1-Year-Old Girl With Rare Condition Finally Goes Home After Receiving Lifesaving Heart Transplant

Jun 17, 2019 by apost team

Aurora Shane's mother was looking for a miracle to keep her little girl alive. Her baby had been in a hospital since July 8, 2017. Her little body had suffered from a heart defect when she was born, and the only thing that could have made a difference was a transplant. However, a heart that small is often hard to find!

That didn't stop her mother from praying for the miracle that her daughter needed. Other factors aside from the small size were her weight and her blood type. All of these factors had to come together so that Aurora would be able to live. The donor needed to be small, between 20 and 50 pounds. This meant that another baby or toddler needed to pass away in order for Aurora to survive.


Jennifer Shane made a plea on her social media page to ask anyone who would be willing to share her story and to help if they could. Jennifer had been in the hospital with her little girl every time she's been admitted and has provided her care while she's at home. She hadn't been able to work because she spent her time caring for her daughter.

Without a donor's heart, Jennifer knew that her days with her baby were numbered. She hoped that her story would be seen by someone who could give her a glimmer of hope.

After waiting for 18 months, God answered their prayers! Rori finally received a heart transplant and the family found new hope for the future.

She was successfully transplanted on Dec. 14,” Massey told SoShareThis.

And four month after the transplant operation, Rori and her parents were finally able to leave the hospital. 

It’s a gift that can turn a tragedy into another chance for somebody else which is probably the biggest gift anybody could ever gift,” James Shane told SoShareThis .

Wow! What do you think about this story? Did it touch your heart? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this article to let others hear about Rori's incredible miracle!