Your Birth Stone Says Something Very Special About Your Personality

Oct 09, 2017

Did you know each month of the year is connected with a rare and unique gemstone? Birthstones date all the way back to biblical times and were traced to the breastplate of Aaron which had 12 gemstones inlaid in it - each one representing a tribe of Israel at the time. In the 5th century, the gemstones were associated with the 12 zodiac signs and these are the stones we now associate with your birth month. Each stone has very special properties and meanings and can be linked to healing powers - check your birth month to learn more about your unique gemstone.



Although this gem is most commonly found in a deep red, it does occur in a range of other colors such as yellow, orange and green. This beautiful gem represents peace, prosperity and good health, it is even mythically said to have the power to give the wearer eternal happiness, health and wealth. 

Historically garnets are referenced as far back as the Egyptians in 3100 BC who used it as a symbol of life and was very popular in the 3rd and 4th Century with the Romans. Used as a talisman for protection as well as a tool for healing - garnets have been popular throughout the ages.

The garnet also symbolizes deep and lasting friendships, making it the perfect gift for friends who are born in January. 




This is the perfect gem for February because it represents warmth and strength. This month is cold and dark for a lot of people in the Northern Hemisphere and an Amethyst's vibrance and warmth is the perfect symbol during this time. The beautiful purple color of the gem is easily recognizable but has many shades and can change depending on how it is cut.

The name of this gem comes from an Ancient Greek word meaning "intoxicated" because it was believed that this gem could protect wearers from intoxication. It has been associated with many different cultures, religions, myths and legends.

The amethyst is also known as a symbol of peace, courage, stability and strength.




Aquamarine is named after its infamous color with 'aqua' meaning water and 'marina' meaning sea. This gem invokes feelings of tranquillity and clarity. Because of these symbolic qualities, aquamarine is said to cool the temper of the wearer and make people calm and levelheaded. 

It has a strong connection to the ocean and historically was believed to protect sailors and bring about safe voyages across the sea. There are many ancient myths associated with this stone and it was used for everything from a wedding gift to a protective talisman. 

Aquamarine is an important symbol for inner tranquillity and helps to align the spiritual and the physical - it is great for achieving and maintaining harmony. 




The prized diamond - most famous of all gemstones - is the stone for April. While you might know a lot about diamonds already, such as the fact that it is the hardest gemstone, you might not know that it comes in a couple of different colors! Yellow, pink, red, green and blue diamonds all occur naturally and the more vivid the color, the higher the value. 

For centuries, diamonds have been admired and were traded as early as 4 BC! The process through which diamonds are created makes them extremely valuable - in ancient civilisation, it was believed that they were light made real. 

Mostly associated with engagements and weddings, diamonds are a symbol of commitment, eternal love and endurance. 




Revered by the rich and famous, the emerald is prized for its brilliant color. This gemstone is a symbol of rebirth, foresight, good fortune and youth. Known for its vibrant green color, this stone can range from light green to the traditional deep green - the richer the color, the more valuable the stone. 

The oldest emeralds are estimated to be 2.97 billion years old and can be traced back through history to as early as 330 BC. The most famous hostorical figure to cherish emeralds was Queen Cleopatra who claimed ownership of mines all over Egypt. 

This stone represents many things including loyalty, peace, security and new beginnings. It is thought to be able to keep the wearer serene and relaxed, warding off panic attacks and health issues. 




The only gemstones made by a living creature, each pearl is unique and created with a natural lustre which needs no shaping or polishing. Normally found in their natural creamy white color, they can be dyed pink, purple, yellow, green, blue brown or black. 

Pearls have been known as the 'tears of the gods' by the ancient Greeks and as 'teardrops of the moon' by Hindu folklore. Japanese folktales said pearls were created by mythical creatures and early Chinese stories linked them to dragons. They are found through history, as far back as 520 BC and Tudor England was even known as the Pearl age because of their popularity. 

Pearls symbolize innocence and purity in many cultures and are historically worn by brides on their wedding day. They are now affordable and popular as a gift on anniversaries.




Passion and energy are associated with this vibrant gemstone and they have been treasured throughout history. Known as the "king of precious stones" fully formed rubies are hard to come by because the same chemical that gives them their iridescent glow, also causes them to crack and fissure. This means that beautiful rubies sometimes fetch higher prices than diamonds! 

Prized throughout history, rubies were worn by warriors, noblemen, rulers. It was so valued that imitation ruby can be dated back as far as Roman times. 

It is associated with vitatlity and life force due to its deep red color and is thought to amplify passion, energy, courage and awareness as well as aid success in love, wealth and battle. 




You will recognize this gemstone by its bright lime green color. This color comes from the composition of the mineral and only comes in one color, unlike most other gemstones. The name Peridot is thought to come from the Greek word 'peridona; which means 'giving plenty' which is an apt description for people born in the month of August. 

Historically this gem has often been confused with emeralds but can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians where it was called the 'gem of the sun' thought to protect its wearer from the night. 

People born in August are lucky to be guarded by this gemstone's good fortune and is said to possess healing properties and symbolize peace and happiness. 




Sapphire is the symbol of wisdom, loyalty, sincerity, integrity and nobility and although the brilliant blue variety is most well known, it also comes in a variety of other colors. 

Extremely hard, sapphires are not just valued for jewellery but also used for scientific instruments, electronics and watches. It was used historically my Buddhists for spiritual enlightenment and by Greeks for guidance. It has been popular since the Middle Ages and more recently is seen as a symbol of royal love after Prince William gave his mother's sapphire engagement ring to Kate. 

Wearing this stone is said to help channel higher powers, focus your mind and encourage self-discipline. It is one of the world's rarest gems. 




This kaleidoscopic stone reflects many different colors and exists in many different varieties although only a few are universally recognized. Opals have a long history with Arabic legends claiming that they fell from the sky in bolts of lightning and Aborigines believe they came to earth on a rainbow. Most importantly, it has been thought to have the powers of each gemstone whose color it reflects making it an incredibly powerful and lucky stone. 

It is also known to reflect the wearer's moods and has gained popularity over the years. Each gem is completely unique and suits all different tastes. 




The name Topaz comes topazios which was an island in the Red Sea but ironically, the gems mined there might not actually have been Topaz as historically, all yellow gems were thought to be Topaz. It was later discovered that pure Topaz is, in fact, colorless and can come in a variety of colors due to impurities within the stone. 

This sunny gemstone has been used by African Shamans for healing as well as Hindus and during the Renaissance it was believed to break spells. 

It is said this stone can calm tempers, prevent nightmares and cure madness and symbolizes protection, wisdom and longevity. 




Tanzanite is one of the most recently discovered gems and can only be found in one part of the world. Named for Tanzania, this gemstone is known for its brilliant blue color and it's rarity - it is an incredibly special stone. 

It symbolizes spiritual exploration and communication, offering protection and safety to the wearer. It has been called the 'blue diamond' and is thought to unit the heart and mind. 

Because of its recent discovery, there is little history linked to this stone but with limited supplies, this beautiful gem is highly valued and extremely popular. 


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