Your Addiction, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Nov 19, 2018

Do you ever find yourself using something to cope or in your free time? Are you drinking coffee constantly or always playing a video game?

We're all burdened with addictions of our own, sometimes worse than others. But your addiction is actually related to your star sign.

Here are some addictions often associated with each sign:

Aries: Caffeine


Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and they sure know it. If you're an Aries, you are a natural born leader and a natural trendsetter. You are not afraid to initiate productive conversations and share new ideas with confidence.

You are so full of energy to get things going and collaborating, it's no wonder you love caffeine. Aries will use caffeine as a way to boost their energy to get through the day. When a competition or challenge arises you got to be able to step up your game at moment's notice.

You'll always find an Aries making a coffee run or stocking up on energy drinks. It's tough being the leader of the pack, but someone's got to do it!

Taurus: Food


If you are a Taurus, you value the passion and finer things in life. With so much passion, you realize there are other ways to have passion, and you do so in experiences with food.

Taureans have a tendency to attach emotion to food. They eat whenever there is a celebration, and during low points like breakups or things aren't going right. It's not a crutch for you but you realize that one of the most basic instincts of humans is to enjoy pleasure and one of the timeless ways is with food.

You always plan dates and get-togethers with a meal, and enjoy the intimacy food can bring to the table.

Gemini: Nicotine


With all of this deep wealth of inner emotion that Geminis posses, sometimes you just need a release and alone time. Geminis will most likely smoke cigarettes or use smoking devices as a way to momentarily let go and relax.

You know that everyone needs some downtime, and smoking gives you a moment of solace to quiet down your busy mind.

Cigarettes are also a way to initiate conversation, and you enjoy the intimate conversations two people can have over a smoke break. Whether at work, a party, or just alone sometimes you need to slow down and see the bigger picture.

Cancer: Painkillers


One of the most challenging signs to know, Cancers are deeply intuitive and very sentimental. If you are a cancer, you soak up everything going on around you, whether negative or positive.

However you are guided by your heart, and sometimes that leads to learning valuable lessons and having a hard time fitting into the world.

With so much passion, you can feel everything exuberantly, or everything very heavily. Emotion can way down your heart and make you feel like you just need to take something to help dull the maddening roar of all the negative emotion. However you don't have to take painkillers, you might find alternatives that are healthy. 

Leo: Shopping


Leos are the most prideful in all the star signs, and they know how to treat themselves well. While they being the center of attention, Leos will buy things for themselves that make them have higher status or stuff that will impress others.

You also have a generous nature and love to buy extravagant gifts for others, possibly to make others feel good or to show off your own prowess.

You can be seen binge shopping on Amazon or always with their faces buried in racks looking for the greatest thing they can buy. You can spend every penny without even realizing it, so it's best to carry limited cash on hand for you or setting a budget for treating your self.

Virgo: Toxic Relationships


If you are a Virgo, you are one of the most selfless people out there. You love to give everything you can to one person, even if it means they do not reciprocate.

When your loved one or partner belittles you, you'll stand by them and not say a word, because you are so invested you just can't let go.

You are susceptible to emotional destruction because you can let others go too far and hurt you because your steadfast loyalty hasn't found it’s belonging with some who reciprocates, which is something you always forget about healthy relationships.

Libra: Social Media


Being a Libra means that you are one of the biggest social butterflies out there, and that also comes with FOMO(fear of missing out). You'll always be posting on different social media outlets and always checking to see if you have any likes.

Staying in the loop is what is most important to you, so you are always making sure you read about all the latest trends.

You also make sure to see every friend's posts and making sure you posted enough pics of yourself at that party so everyone can be in the loop just as much as you are.

Scorpio: Intimacy


When you are a Scorpio you take your sex and love life very seriously. It's one of the most important aspects of your life and sometimes can take over other areas of your life. Your spirited nature is what you are known for.

You spend lots of time thinking of ways to have more sensuality and closeness in your life. This leads to fulfilling love life, but may also me be the opposite if you are not careful.

Sagittarius: Adventure


You are always looking for the next big adventure. You have major wanderlust and always have a list of places to go to or things you want to do.

You love experiencing new things and always making spontaneous plans with others.

Capricorn: Work


You don't have time to be distracted by things that you see will not be fruitful in achieving your goals. Focusing on hard work and reaching your goals is most important to you. You are detail oriented and always need something important to do.

While doing this you may lose focus on what's also important in your life. You might let your social life die down because you have a tendency to let your work and performance define you.

Aquarius: Video Games and Books


Being an Aquarius means you just float through life effortlessly, and always fantasizing. You will be seen reading or playing a video game. You love being able to read another's story and completely losing yourself in the details and characters.

Sometimes this can lead you to lose touch with reality in some way, causing you to always be imagining and creating.

Pisces: Romance


When you're a Pisces you wear your heart on your sleeve, but you always put so much of your love out there you get hurt easily. Being a romantic comes easy to you, and will do everything to make sure your expression of emotion is being acknowledged.

What is your addiction? Do you agree with the list? Let us know in the comments - and don't forget to share!