Young Wife Can't Get Pregnant Then Her Sister Calls Her Late At Night

Apr 17, 2019

Many women have the dream of becoming a mother one day. When a woman feels ready to start her own family, it is usually a very special time. For most healthy women, the process of becoming pregnant is simple and safe. After trying for a few months, most women have no trouble getting pregnant. Nine months later, a healthy baby is brought into the world.

However, this isn't the case for all women. There are some who struggle to get pregnant for a variety of different reasons. This was a struggle that one woman knew too well.

Aimee Morrisby had been waiting for a long time to start her own family. For as long as she could remember, having her own family was one of her biggest dreams. When Aimee was younger, she was diagnosed with an unforeseen bowel disease. This ended up causing some scar tissue inside her abdomen.

The damage of this scar tissue wasn't known until she visited a doctor when she was 21-years-old. The doctor revealed to Aimee that she may have complications with her uterus in the future.

Once Aimee reached a time in her life when she wanted to have a family, she finally realized the extent of the doctor's diagnosis. She tried for five years and never was able to become pregnant. Along with her husband Jake, Aimee tried everything possible during these five intense years.

She underwent several treatments of in-vitro fertilization only to have four miscarriages. She saw a digestive specialist who revealed that Aimee's abdomen was full of scar tissue from her disease. Aimee was becoming disillusioned after trying to become pregnant for five years.

She was slowly giving up on the idea of being a mother.

She confided in her sister, Shayna. Aimee was heartbroken, and Shayna tried her best to comfort her sister.

One night, Aimee was awoken by the sound of her phone. She wasn't sure who would be calling in the middle of the night. After answering the call, Aimee realized that it was her sister Shayna.

Aimee couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her sister's mouth.

They were the most selfless and beautiful words that Aimee had ever heard. Shayna offered to carry a baby for Aimee to help her sister fulfill the dream of becoming a mother.

Aimee was ecstatic and began thanking Shayna from the bottom of her heart. Aimee attended every ultra-sound and class with her sister until the baby was born nine months later.

Watch the beautiful story of the birth in the video below:

What do you think about Shayna's selfless act? Do you have children and can understand Aimee's wish to have her own family? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to show this video to your friends to spread the love.