Young Girl Warms Hearts Around World By Learning Tricks On Her Pony

Sep 01, 2020

We don't know about you, but we cannot imagine hanging from the side of a horse and attempting to fold ourselves back up on the saddle. Yet a young girl from Weatherford, Texas makes this acrobatic move look easy. Mom and dad, Tom and Traci Davis are the owners of TnT Ranch in Texas.

Known for selling ponies, it looks like they should also oversee training up-and-coming trick riders. In a family of horse lovers, little Reata has rarely known anything else in her life. Surrounded by photos and videos of horses on social media, this young girl has undoubtedly developed her own love and affection for these beautiful creatures.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Any professional rider knows that success begins with the basics. Reata had the opportunity to learn on her own miniature pony, named Houdini. Accumulating more than 15 million views on YouTube, fans of Reata and Houdini have had high hopes for this couple from the beginning. After watching Reata work closely with Houdini, the cute interactions between these two undoubtedly make us want a miniature pony of our own.

Any professional rider knows that success begins with the basics. Reata had the opportunity to learn on her own miniature pony, named Houdini. Accumulating more than 15 million views on YouTube, fans of Reata and Houdini have had high hopes for this couple from the beginning. After watching Reata work closely with Houdini, the cute interactions between these two undoubtedly make us want a miniature pony of our own.

Only four years old at the time, Reata developed a close friendship with this animal that only a select few horse owners will ever understand. Despite her small stature, we are amazed at the tenacity and determination that Reata displays in her interactions with this tiny horse.

To practice anything more difficult, you must first learn how to mount your pony. Reata embarks on this task with enthusiasm, and it is cuter than we could have ever imagined. Lacking grace and poise, little Reata tries continuously to get into the saddle atop the back of Houdini. You can see the determination in her eyes as she tries, relentlessly, to do so.

After she finally makes it to her destination, she gives off a charismatic “ta-da” to the cameras. Yet, she fails to realize that she has mounted her horse backward. Noticing her error, she continues to entertain us as she attempts to correct her stance.

Now comes the fun part. Wiggling around on her sturdy, and clearly patient, horse, Reata sees what she has done. Attempting to spin around, the little girl does her best to turn around in a complete circle while in the saddle. Settling in a forward-facing position, Reata then decides to attempt a dismount. However, her technique is a little different than what we expected.

Sliding down the pony’s back, we are all entertained to watch as this little girl tries to make every move as seamless as possible. Her funny antics go on for a bit, entertaining us all. Let your friends in on this adorable video. Tell us what you think about little Reata and her miniature pony, Houdini, below.

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