Young Boy With Spina Bifida Gets Up From Wheelchair For The First Time At His Preschool Graduation

Jul 04, 2019

Walking and standing is something that most of us are fortunate enough to take for granted. Some days we may not want to get out of bed and go to work, but at least we are lucky enough to have an option.

Walking is a luxury that 5-year-old Blake Mompher had never been able to accomplish, although it wasn’t for lack of hard work. Blake has had spina bifida since he was born. This birth defect led to his spinal cord and his spine not forming properly.

As a result, Blake has had to use a wheelchair his entire life. 

For the past couple of weeks however, Blake had been working hard on a very special surprise for his friends and family. He had worked consistently with the goal of being able to stand up and get out of his wheelchair during his preschool graduation.

Then, during his graduation ceremony on May 11th, Blake went ahead and did it: he stepped up from his wheelchair and stood up to the delight of the audience who gave him a warm round of thunderous applause.

Blake’s parents couldn’t have been happier or prouder!

Blake’s mother had been told by doctors that her son had developed spina bifida about 20 weeks into her pregnancy. Since then, she has always remained incredibly determined to help Blake at every step of his life. She was his constant mentor and motivator, even teaching him to take his first baby steps with the help of a special walker made for very young children. 

Blake and his family were determined that he would be able to stand up for his graduation. However, a recent bladder surgery that Blake had to undergo led his family to fear that he might not be able to reach his goal of walking in time.

All in all, Blake had to have seven surgeries in just under three months. Still, his mom stood by his side to support him as he worked towards his goals.

On the day of his graduation Blake stood up and his mother Megan couldn’t contain her tears of joy seeing her young son walking for the first time. In fact, none of Blake’s preschool classmates had ever seen him walking before either.

“I cried as soon as I saw him walk out on stage," Megan told "Right after, he said, 'I did it!'"

Blake received a standing ovation from the audience and all his friends and his family were so proud of him!

How incredible is it that Blake worked so hard at such a young age to achieve his goals? Pass this uplifting story along to anyone who might get some inspiration from this incredible young man! We love reading your comments and feedback on heartwarming stories like Blake’s!