Young Boy Offers Strangers Emotional Advice In New York Subway

Dec 17, 2018

Many people struggle with the hustle and bustle of urban life. New York is always changing. Keeping a clear focus in the face of all the commotion can feel impossible. Yet, not all of us have someone to turn to during those trying times. Professional counseling can be expensive, and advice given by friends or family can sometimes serve the giver more than it does the receiver. So what's a New Yorker to do?

Try Ciro Ortiz, an 11-year-old Brooklyn native who, for the price of a cup of coffee, offers complete strangers his time and compassion. Since November of 2017, Ciro has managed to balance making a buck with giving back to others. For a few hours each Sunday, he sets up shop at the Bedford station on the L line in Brooklyn. But this is no lemonade stand. For $2, Ciro offers anxious commuters five minutes of his time, allowing them to share whatever weights on their mind.

Reminiscent of the backyard cardboard booth from the famous "Peanuts" cartoons, Ciro's handmade sign solicits "emotional advice" to anyone who needs it. But what advice could a boy of eleven possibly have to offer grown folks struggling with the anxieties of the real world?

Clients appear to be blown away by the young man's wisdom, stating his ability to fully engage and provide genuine heartfelt answers is of great comfort. Last year he helped a married couple struggling with the wife's recent decision to become a vegan, while just recently he helped a woman re-discover what the holiday season meant to her.

So what sets Ciro apart from the professionals or countless others who could do it better? Ciro thinks that it's his willingness to provide help where no one else will that makes him a success. After all, how many professional therapists do you see willing to set up shop in the dank urban underground?

A victim of bullying himself, Ciro saw a need to insert more kindness in the world. That's no surprise to his parents. According to his mom, herself a poet, Ciro is a sensitive kid who has had a string of hard times, yet his empathy in the face of uncertainty is his greatest asset. His dad, a marketing director for a nonprofit organization, states his son has always been wise beyond his years, with a strong moral compass and keen insight into relationships and the behaviors of others.

On average, Ciro can make about $50 dollars in a single Sunday. But, he doesn't spend those earnings on the latest gadgets and video games, rather Ciro chooses to give, even more, purchasing food for kids at school who don't have the means to do so. On top of that, he's humble, attributing his wisdom to his parents who taught him to be kind to others and always work hard for your dreams.

Despite a knack for counseling, being a therapist is not Ciro's dream career. He wants to be a game designer, which will pair well with his love of science. Although he is not a fan of school, Ciro does well in English, no surprise, given his ability to communicate with complete strangers.

Ciro is an example of how simple acts of kindness can change the world. Ironically, change is the most common complaint Ciro hears. It's hard for all of us, he says, but there is no avoiding it, so we have to find a way to accept it.

How do you cope with staying positive in a changing world? Would you consider talking to Ciro if you had the chance? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread Ciro's story!