You, Will, Get What’s Destined To Be Yours

Nov 26, 2018

When you fall on hard times and think that everyone is against you, just remember that the things that are meant to be yours will come along in due time. Sometimes, they come along when you least expect them.

You might be a fighter who wants to go against the plan that God has for your life. There are things in your life that might not make sense at the moment and things that just don't seem right. If you don't hear God talking to you or giving you the peace of mind that you need, you might get scared and think that you've been forgotten.

Most of the time, you're fighting a battle that is difficult to win. Sometimes, you can't push the world to give you the things that you want or need. Sometimes, you just have to sit back and wait.

The things that you're supposed to have will come to you without you rushing them along. The things in your life that are supposed to be right will feel right when they happen. There will be times when things aren't always perfect in your life. There will also be times when it seems like everything is going according to plan.

You'll be in a relationship that seems ideal at the time and that makes you happy only to realize later that it's not what you deserve. You'll begin a new career but find out later that it's not what you're meant to do in life. Wiklik

There are hills and valleys throughout the course of your life. When there is a hill, there will likely be a valley behind it followed by another hill. You won't always have all of the answers to the questions that you have in life. You won't always understand everything that's going on even though you want to make sense of it all.

The only thing that you can do is trust in God or another higher power to know that your life is on the right track. Trust that your life will be the way that it's supposed to be in its own time instead of when you want it to happen.

A relationship might dissolve because there is someone else who is better for you. Someone might leave your life for a reason so that you don't continue to get hurt over and over again. If you lose a job, then there will be another door that opens.

Your plans can change at the drop of a hat because there is something better in store for you in the future. You just have to trust that those things will come to you in due time.

You might feel like your world is crashing around you and that nothing is right. There are times when you'll cry and even question whether God loves you. The things that you hold so tight to are sometimes the things that you need to let go of so that God can intervene and give you what you deserve.

The prayers that you pray for the things that you want might not be answered because there is something better for you. Even if you lose something for a short time, if it's meant to be yours, then it will find its way to you again.

Follow the feelings that feel right in your heart and mind. These are the times when God is talking to you and telling you what you need to do in life. Do you agree? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Also, send this to your loved ones, and remind them to be hopeful and patient!