You Will Be The Happiest If You Marry A Teacher And Here's Why

Oct 04, 2018

Teachers are special people. They choose a career that pays terribly for their education because they are passionate about helping children. Most teachers work far more hours each day than they are actually paid for. Because of this, teaching is truly a vocation and a calling instead of just a career.

What It Takes to Be a Teacher

To be a teacher, you have to be willing to take care of 30 kids or teenagers. You know that there is only one of you to help every child in your class. You have to be selfless with your time and prioritize the children in your classroom. All you want is for your students to succeed. You become their mentor and role model. You teach them new information along the way, but you are so much more than just a teacher.

Each day, you change lives through compassion and kindness. A teacher does so many things that are never recognized or rewarded, but they still invest their time and money in their class. As a teacher, you spend your weekends preparing for the next week. You go over lesson plans and devote your evenings to parent meetings. Some teachers even devote extra time to coaching children as well. Debenport

There are perks to being a teacher. You get summers off, spring break and winter vacation. Even when you are technically off of work for the summer, you still have lessons to prepare, meetings to go to and continuing education. You never stop thinking about what you can do for your kids. As a result, teaching is more of a lifestyle than a career.

Why You Are Lucky to Marry a Teacher

If you are smart enough to marry a teacher, you can be grateful for your good fortune. Marrying a teacher means that you get to be a part of a school community. Your family just increased by hundreds of people.

On the negative side, you have to listen when your spouse is having a breakdown about a bad lesson or a difficult day. When you want to enjoy an early dinner, you have to put up with your spouse being late. When there is a sudden convention on the weekend, you are left alone while your spouse is away.

Even with some of the drawbacks, there are many perks to marrying a teacher. You have chosen a spouse who is so selfless that they devoted their entire life to others. Your spouse always thinks about other people first. Since your spouse already supports and motivates their students, they also believe in you. You have a constant fan who cheers on all of your dreams and ambitions.

When you marry a teacher, you can be confident that you will always learn from them. You have married someone who never gives up on anyone. A teacher always believes in their students and gives them a second chance, so they will do the same thing for you.

A teacher never just teaches a subject and waits for their students to pass a standardized test. They teach children how to become the best human beings that they can be. They shape futures when parents are unable to or do not care to. They are passionate about their subject and their students.

When you marry a teacher, you get a spouse who brings the same passion for education to their home. They always try their best and work to find the right decision. A teacher will always put their family first. When you marry a teacher, you get a spouse who will raise your children to become the best human beings that they can be. Your kids will always have help for the problems they encounter in life.

Teachers are loyal to their students, and they are equally loyal to their families. They will love you unconditionally and teach you vital lessons about patience. This compassionate person will listen to everything you say and never be afraid to work harder to find a solution. When you marry a teacher, you get a partner who can navigate any stressful problem with kindness and grace.

When you marry a teacher, you get a partner who knows how to work hard and have fun. You get the best type of partner that there is. No matter what happens, you will have a partner who never gives up on the relationship.

If you were lucky enough to marry a teacher, make sure everyone knows about your good fortune. Tell all of your friends and help teachers get the respect that they deserve!