You're Worthy Of It All

Dec 19, 2018

You deserve someone to fight for you. You’re definitely deserving of someone’s love, and you are worthy of being taken care of. You also deserve respect. And you deserve for all of this to happen without you having to beg for it.

Don’t ever beg your partner to love you. Don’t ever beg someone to spend time with you. And don’t ever try to convince them to treat you right. Because if they really saw your worth, they’d treat you right on their own.

If they don’t do these things and fulfill your needs, they aren’t capable of seeing the brightness in your eyes or the masterpiece that you truly are. If they’re dumb enough to walk away from the relationship, you need to be smart enough to let them do this. Chernaev

Don’t chase them. You’ll lose yourself in the process. You can’t let yourself lose your own individuality and morals. Don’t waste your time on those that can’t see your worth.

You’re more than worthy of love and attention. You’re enough just the way that you are. And if someone doesn’t see this, it isn’t your fault. But don’t ever chase someone that doesn’t appear to want to be chased. It isn’t worth it.

When you finally do chase them down, they’ll pretend to care. They’ll make up every excuse in the book as to why they didn’t treat you right and see your worth. And you’ll end up breaking your own heart.

You’ll be upset because they didn’t treat you right and didn’t desire you in the way that you deserve. You’ll probably wonder what you did to deserve such pain. But remember that behind every struggle is a lesson that can be learned.

Remember that you’re being tested. You’re being tested to prove your worth, courage, strength and independence. From every lesson like this one, you will come out victorious standing strongly on your two feet.

No one will be able to demean your situation if you’re strong. So when someone wants to turn their back on you, let them. Never chase. But why? Because these people aren’t deserving of your chase and follow in life.

You’re the only one in life that deserves to be fought for. Every second, every minute, every hour. You’re worthy of a fight. Don’t let toxic partners convince you that you’re not.
You are worthy of someone who wants to make you happy.

You are worthy of someone who gives you their attention. You are worthy of a partner that you can trust. You are worthy of a fulfilling relationship, not a half-hearted one. You are worthy of someone that will give you their everything.

You are worthy of genuine promises and action. You are worthy of the butterfly feeling in your stomach. You are worthy of someone that will give you every inch of their soul.

Even though life can be a mess sometimes, you need to remember that you are worthy of perfection. Even when things go wrong, face them head on and come out stronger. Just because a relationship ends does not mean it isn't so you make room in your life for a better one. Prevail through the darkness and come out stronger each and every single time.

Only give your soul away to someone that knows how to cherish it and treat it with respect. Choose a partner that knows you in and out, is aware of every flaw, and still chooses to love you every single day. When you meet someone like this, who fulfills your hopes and dreams, make sure you give them your all too. And they’ll be sure to fight for you every single day. Because you’re worthy of it.

Never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve to be loved. Have you ever felt like this in a relationship? Do you know someone who is going through a hard time and might need to read this? Then pass it on and spread some good vibes. Don't forget to tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.