You Either Want Me In Your Life Or You Don't - In Love, There's No Grey Area

Jan 09, 2019

When looking for true love, you will do best if you are able to skip the hard-to-get games. Relationships should begin openly right from the start with transparency and no games, inhibitions, or half-way love.

If you are a woman that loves openly from the heart, you are not someone who pretends or goes for casual night-stands of flings. It is all simple for you -- you either take people into your life or you do not. It is simple, and that is how it is supposed to stay.

Love should be something sacred. It is an emotion with a vibration that has to be experienced deeply from the heart. It is something that needs complete openness to be experienced fully. Love is not asking yourself questions of whether or not you should go into it.

If you are still feeling boundaries with people than there is no place for love. Those who are willing to wait for real love are not the ones that are willing to accept crap. They are not willing to sell their dreams and settle with anything that comes their way just to be comfortable and safe.

Living in love is not about being with someone so you don't have to be alone. People who look for real love do not go into relationships just for stability. This makes people settle for less than they dream of and leave them stuck with someone that does not really care about them most of the time.

If you are with someone that is not willing to burn bright with you, do not let them string you along. Let yourself follow your dreams, and look for the things that nurture your soul. Along the way, you may just find the person who you are actually meant to be with and with whom you can experience true love.

Even if you have made a lot of mistakes in your life, they will teach you that life is precious and should not be wasted. You have to go for the things that you truly deserve. When you find what is right for you, you will certainly know.

When you find the right person for you, you will feel that inside your heart. Things that are meant for you are not meant to be forced or begged for. They come naturally. You will be sure about the other person's feelings -- you will not have to wonder if they care for you or not.

You are not someone who looks for hookups or hanging out with people. You are not into casual dating that has no life to it. You are looking for love that is pure and all-enveloping. Those that are not settling for less than that are willing to stay alone as much as they need to but will never settle for less than they deserve.

There are no grey areas when it comes to love. And you must understand that when someone loves you as you love them, you will know. What do you think? Is true love easy to recognise and commit to without doubt? Ask your friends about the same and pass this along to others.