You Can't Miss This Guy Pulling Off An Impossible Backflip

Sep 19, 2018

If you set your mind to something than anything's possible. It's an age-old saying and there's finally somebody out there with video evidence to prove it. Nick Fry, one of the most athletic, acrobatically inclined humans that walks this Earth, hasn't only mastered the standing backflip. No, he's gone much further than ever humanly possible. He's successfully mastered the standing double backflip.

What's that? You've done it before at one of those cool trampoline parks? Well let me repeat it: Nick Fry can pull off a standing double backflip. That's nuts! Trampoline parks are so yesterday thanks to this guy.

Now before you get all hot and bothered and go out and attempt one of these things, it's important to understand that Nick Fry is, in fact, human. He wasn't born with the ability and wherewithal to just double backflip at the drop of a hat. He trained intensely, as most humans do in order to achieve near-impossible feats.

People like me can't go five minutes without Googling everything. What should I do about this hangnail? What temperature should I bake my salmon? How is it cats can just jump from extreme heights and survive? So if you're crazy enough to actually attempt one of these double backflips, keep this in mind:

Prepare Yourself: get some pump up music, call your friends, listen to a speech, and most importantly wear something that'll boost your confidence.

Find Your Zen: do some yoga if you have to; meditate; hit up the sauna and stretch out your muscles; your mind and body should be prepared to act as one single entity.

Don't Wimp Out: if you're already thinking, "Nah, I'll just stick to the trampoline parks," just remember you'll always be considered a wimp.

Utilize Your Connections: if you've made it this far it's probably a good idea to find a spotter.

With that said, it's important to stay calm and collected with anything you attempt in life, even if it's a backflip. What do you think of this incredible feat? Let us know in the comments and show this to your friends and family!