You Cannot Please Everyone

Nov 15, 2018

Everybody seeks validation from everyone. This is simply a manner of our human nature. We generally cling to a sense of acceptance from those we interact with on a regular basis. This can become heart-wrenching when we feel they refuse to accept us as we are.

This can come in a number of different ways. Someone may allow an isolated instance or the opinions of another to color their whole perspective of a person. They might have a particular personal pet peeve that triggers their dislike. There might even be an element of prejudice or bigotry involved in their distaste for someone.

Regardless of the reason, it can often weigh on someone's demeanor when they feel as though someone has cast a lousy judgment upon them.

Ultimately, it is not your responsibility to be the source of satisfaction for the entire world. Not every slight or rebuke is meant to be taken either personally or as worthy of attention.

Being sensitive to every single foible, peeve, and whim of every single person you come across is not only not how life is supposed to be, but it's also a recipe for deep unhappiness for the person who does it.

Living a lifestyle of people pleasing will strip you away of the uniqueness that you hold within you.

People who evacuate your life in this way is the universe weeding out to make space for the right people. The easiest way to deal with the pain is to open up your heart to God's plan only.

To fight Him on this process is not only counter-intuitive, but it is also utterly fruitless. He is both your support and guidance, loving you far more intensely than anyone's disdain.

People pleasing only separates us from true purpose. Praying upon Him and looking into the Word brings peace and clarity that no man can replicate. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is only God that will wipe that stain away.

Conclusively, the only one whose approval matters is God's and He loves all His children. When control is given to God, He makes everything alright. Not everyone will accept you, and that is both something you cannot stop and yet ultimately okay. His plan for you is so much better than anyone else's could be.

What are your thoughts? Do you feel as though you need everyone's approval? How has that affected you? Also, pass it on to your friends and family and ask them the same questions!