You Can Completely Change Your Body With This 18-Minute Fitness Routine

Nov 21, 2018

Do you hate spending hours at the gym? Do you find it hard to motivate yourself? Do you find it hard to even get off your couch?

Do this 18-minute workout twice a week to get the results you want.

To do this routine, all you will need are: 

This workout targets common trouble areas such as your upper arms and your butt. 

Don't let this workout fool you though. It is hard work. It may be quick but it'll feel longer at first. Try these moves two or three times a week to get yourself going. Do each of the moves in order, with very little rest in between, and repeat the workout three more times, resting 30 seconds in between.

Kickstand Deadlift With Band

Place the band around your thighs. Stand with your fit hip-width apart. Hold the weights in both of your hands and step your left foot back. Raise up on your toes and slowly bend forward until you lower the weights below your knees. Do 12 reps and repeat on the other foot.

Squat Jack With Band

Keep the band around your thighs and your feet hip-width apart for this next move. With your core tight, squat as far down as you can. Jump up, keeping your core in mind. Do 12 more reps.

Dumbbell Drag Push Up

Remove the band for this move. Get into a pushup position with your hands underneath your shoulders. Place one dumbbell slightly below your hands. Lower yourself on your forearms and push up, keeping your body parallel to the floor or your mat. Use your left arm to reach for the dumbbell and place it on your left side. Alternate arms for 12 more reps.

Criss Cross Front-Loaded Lunge

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms bent. Step your left leg back behind your right leg, lowering it to the floor. Raise the weights from your shoulders to your ears. Step your left foot back and do 12 more reps.

Plank Walk With Band

Place the band around your wrists. Get into a plank position. Keep your core in mind as you raise onto your toes. Step both feet to the left as you walk your left hand forward. Then, step to the right and walk your right hand forward. Repeat for 12 more reps.

Then Finish It Off

Reverse Lunch With Press

Stand your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and along your right shoulder. Raise your left arm out on the left side. Step your left leg back into a low lunge. Raise the dumbbell over your head as you bring your foot back to starting place. Repeat this move for as much as you can for 30 seconds, and repeat on the right side.

Jumping Jack Burpees

Get into a pushup position with hands positioned underneath your shoulders. Spread both of your legs out to each side. Jump back in and out again. Jump your legs forward and throw your arms in the air. Jump back into a pushup position and return back to start. Repeat this move for as much as you can for 30 seconds.

What do you think? Have you ever tried any of these exercises before? Let us know in the comments and motivate your friends to join you on your fitness journey by showing them this post!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!