WWII Veteran With Purple Heart Reunited with Shipmate He Hasn't Seen Since 1944

Feb 18, 2019

Some friendships can survive anything: distance, interests, and even the test of time. This was particularly true for World War II Veteran Duane Sherman.

His 96th birthday was approaching. His daughter, Sue Morse, wanted to make it extra special. She knew that he could be lonely. Most of his fellow veterans weren't alive anymore. Sue told the Orange County Register that she then decided to post about his birthday on Facebook. She wrote that she was looking for people to send him birthday cards.


The outpouring of love that she got in response was staggering. At first, she only got 150 cards. She thought that was cool enough. And then she found the rest. The post office delivered them 100,000 birthday cards! 

Duane is legally blind and so couldn't read the cards on his own. Sue and her fellow "card squad" are dedicated to reading him every single one. The messages are incredibly moving; they are full of thanks for Duane's service.

One message stood out in particular. It was from a man Duane hadn't seen since 1944: Bob Apple. The two had been shipmates on the USS Lamson. The last time they had been together, their ship was caught in a kamikaze attack.

 In addition to the card, Bob gave Duane a painting of the USS Lamson in flames. Sue and Duane still have several thousand birthday cards to read together. Bob's card, though, will be treasured forever.

If you or a loved one are a veteran, know that your service has not gone unnoticed! It is your dedication to our country that keeps us safe. 

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