World’s Saddest Elephant Passes Away Alone In Her Cell After Spending 43 Years At The Zoo

Mar 30, 2019

When we are children, we often love going to the zoo with our parents to see the animals. It's likely the only time that we'll be able to witness them, but it isn't always under the best circumstances.

We don't realize it as children, but animals in zoos are deprived of their natural habitats and life cycles.

Unfortunately for this elephant, she has spent her long life all alone. For decades of her existence, she had no elephant friends to spend time with.

According to the Daily Mail, the elephant was named Flavia, lived at Cordoba Zoo in Spain for 43 entire years. Anyone would be lonely after spending four decades alone, but elephants are especially known as completely social creatures. It’s in their nature to want to be around other animals of their own kind, and that’s what makes this story so sad.

Female elephants usually spend their whole lives spending time with and bonding with their mothers. But since Flavia was denied of this experience, she began to display signs of depression because of her isolation. Flavia’s life wasn’t easy, and it’s heartbreaking to hear about her story.

Not only was Flavia showing signs of depression and sadness, but she also seemed to be going through distress that comes from being held in captivity.

This made some people angry at the zoo for their treatment of the wild animal, and after the public showed their outrage at how Flavia was treated, the zoo decided that she should be transferred to a sanctuary for the rest of her days. However, Flavia sadly passed away before she got the chance to spend time with other elephants.

At the beginning of March, Flavia said goodbye to the zoo and the world forever. In honor of her, the zoo posted some photographs from her life. The photographs included a saddening image of Flavia trying to reach the outside of her cage using her trunk. It’s almost hard to imagine that this old elephant was once happy, young and full of life.

Although Flavia’s story is sad and disheartening, we can learn from it. Flavia can teach other humans how animals should be properly treated, and hopefully, it can serve as a lesson that animals should not be kept in inhumane circumstances in captivity. These unfortunate stories about lonely, neglected and mistreated animals need to be left in the past.

Animals should be left in the wild, where they are free, happy, and able to go through their natural lifespans in peace with other animals of their species. Animals belong in their natural habitats, and Flavia’s lonely life is proof of this statement.

By sharing this story, you can make a difference in how animals are treated. What do you think about Flavia’s story and other animals kept in captivity? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!