Woman Takes A Picture To Show What The Plane Crew Was Up To That Caused A 45-Minutes Delay On Runway

Nov 20, 2018

If you stop and think about it, about 14,000 commercial airplanes are in the sky at any one given moment. While the number of planes that land and take off all around the world increases every year, there doesn’t seem to be enough runways to keep up with the demand. It is definitely no wonder that many flight delays occur every day.

However, it isn’t always the airport rush hour traffic or really bad weather that makes a plane miss the takeoff time slot it was given. Often, especially lately, it is an unruly passenger that ends up at the center of the tarmac drama.


Thanks to everyone having a smartphone in their possession, we often see viral videos of meltdowns and tantrums happening in real-time in the main cabins of aircrafts. But passenger Kristen Wiley took a picture of what happened on a recent flight that caused people to pay attention for a different reason altogether.

Kristen found that she was stuck sitting in her jumbo jet at the Seattle-Tacoma airport. She decided that she was going to post the photo of the reason she was delayed on her personal Facebook page. We’ll soon learn why Alaska Airlines 748 had not moved an inch since she got on.

She shared with her Facebook friends that she was sitting on her plane with a 45-minute delay. The reason why? An elderly woman with dementia was on the plane, and she was extremely confused and upset that she was there.

Kristen realized that it was obviously a scary situation for the woman, especially when a security guard boarded their plane and approached her. The passengers near the woman were able to witness the scene clearly as the man crouched near the woman in the aisle and prepared to make his next move.


The older woman was very confused as she held onto her emotional support dog in an attempt to decipher the chaos that was surrounding her. It isn’t always simple for dementia patients to make it through their day, and to suddenly be in a plane that was full of strangers had to be downright frightening.

Kristen commented that the staff was being extremely understanding and compassionate with her. They were explaining every step to her while also talking to her husband about the best solution.

Luckily, the solution wasn’t to pull the woman from the plane. When she saw what the crew members were doing, Kristen was not mad at all that she wasn’t going to get to her destination on time. She was actually thrilled she was able to witness such a heartwarming scene unfold in front of her.


The flight attendants calmly led the woman, her husband, and her support dog off of the plane. It turned out she needed some quiet time to recuperate in order to bring down her stress levels. The staff also explained to the other passengers just what they were doing so that everyone would be kept in the loop.

The airline even provided the couple and their dog free hotel and transportation for the night to give them a chance to rest.


With airlines continuously getting a bad reputation, it is refreshing to see a sweet story go viral amidst all of the bad. Since all stories are now just one smartphone video away, Kristen is happy she was able to provide a more compassionate and caring side of flight attendants and security staff.

All passengers deserve to be treated fairly and with compassion. People have the power to make that happen, whether they are part of the crew or just passengers on the airplane.

Do you have an uplifting story about an airline experience? Let us know in the comments below and pass this along to others!