Woman Stands With Tiny Dachshund, When the Music Starts Don't Take Your Eyes Off The Dog

Jan 23, 2019

If there is one thing that can be said about Henrietta, it would be the fact that she is a big music fan. Whenever a unique tune comes on, she just loves to cut a rug. It’s even more exciting for her when she gets to do it with her partner Emily.

However, there is one thing you should know about Henrietta, and it makes her story that much more appealing. You see, Henrietta is a dachshund dog, and Emily is her trainer!

There is no question that Henrietta the dachshund and Emily share a special bond - besides cuddling together and playing together Henrietta is Emily’s favorite dance partner! During a recent video, the pair showed off their great freestyle skills.

Emily twirls around and Henrietta shows off some amazing footwork - hopping around her partner and showing that they make a truly great duo!


Henrietta literally steals the show as she leaps and twirls around in the air showing off her stuff. You can tell this lovable little canine is literally having the time of her life as she struts around and enjoys the music.

You also can tell how Emily is feeding off of the energy of her cute Henrietta! Indeed, there is no question these two could be circus performers simply because of the talent present.

They put the icing on the cake when Henrietta does a unique backward shuffle. Be sure to look out for this move in the video!

Did you enjoy the impressive skill that these two possessed as a team? If so, give this video a like and be sure to show it to your friends! They are sure to enjoy this impressive dog and human tandem as much as the thousands of other people have as well! Give Henrietta and Emily some love!