Woman Spent Years Growing Her Curly Hair Long But It's All Cut Off In Makeover

Sep 01, 2020

Long hair can be a very attractive feature on women, and some are particularly attached to theirs. Tammy, a woman from western Montana, has gorgeous long red curly hair, and she headed to Minnesota to receive a makeover from Christopher Hopkins AKA The Makeover Guy because her sister wanted them to do it together. Christopher ended up cutting all of Tammy's gorgeous hair off, resulting in a makeover in which she looks like a totally different person!

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Tammy, a mother of four, explains that she's "never really had a style." Married for 25 years and with four kids, three of which are in college, she says her family likes her hair long and told her not to let The Makeover Guy cut it all off.


But Tammy begs to differ, saying she "wouldn't be going all the way to Minneapolis" if she wanted to keep her hair long. She says she wants "what he thinks is gonna look the best on [her] at this point in [her] life." This kind of attitude is what really allows people to take big risks and receive big payoffs.

Tammy's transformation is incredible—with the majority of her hair cut off, her entire look is lighter and fresher. Working in real estate, Tammy says her new look is her "new marketing material and [she's] absolutely thrilled with it." She adds that the transformation has "gotten [her] out of the rut [she's] been in for the last 20 years." 

That's an incredibly long time to feel stifled in your physical appearance. However, Tammy's reasoning was for a good cause—she would grow her hair long and then donate it "because someone out there needs it more" than she does. Because it's easy for her to grow, she has no qualms about cutting it off.

Explaining that her hair doesn't define her, she says that she feels no different to how she did when she arrived that morning, with regard to her hair. It proves that something like long hair shouldn't define a woman's sense of self. 

What are your thoughts on Tammy's drastic makeover? Would you consider cutting off all of your long hair for a makeover? We'd love to hear your thoughts, and be sure to pass this incredible transformation onto others!

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