Woman Quits Job To Look After Husband As She Believes 'Men Should Be Spoilt By Wives'

Oct 01, 2019

Katrina Holte gave up on her career at only 30 years of age to become a housewife. Since September 2018, Holte, who used to work in a busy payroll department, now performs house chores while waiting on her husband hand and foot in their Hillsboro, Oregon home.

Despite selling her homemade clothing in addition to keeping her home, Katrina's new life resembles that of the classic stay-at-home wife, though it is something new in the modern age of feminism.

What would you do for your spouse? Many of us out there would certainly go out of our way to make our spouse happy. After all, the happier your spouse is, the happier you are!

However, Katrina Holte took things to an extreme that many women have been avoiding since the 1950s. She left a lucrative job as a payroll worker in order to keep her husband happy in their quaint English-styled home.


Holte now wakes up every morning at 6:30, lays out her husband's clothes, and makes him breakfast and packs a lunch for him before he heads out to the office. Decades ago, this was just called marriage. In today's modern world of women flooding the workforce, it seems a bit on the revolutionary side. 

Katrina's days are spent doing laundry, vacuuming, dusting, and stitching homemade clothing, which she sells internationally via her website.

To be clear, however, Katrina Holte did not make this change solely for her husband's benefit. She was tired and worn down, working in the busy hustle and bustle of a city payroll department.

“I feel like I'm living how I always wanted to,” said Katrina in an interview with the Mirror. “It's my dream life, and my husband shares my vision.”

The stress of work prompted Holte to stay at home more, where she's loved and appreciated. Reverting back to outdated gender norms with the housewife role is not something that bothers Katrina.

“It is a lot of work. I do tons of dishes, laundry and ironing,” added Katrina, “but I love it and it's helping to take care of my husband and that makes me really happy.”

Katrina adds that she actually loves those “old-fashioned values,” and that she'll spend hours just making sure everything is in its place. She also dresses in 1950s inspired clothing of her own making and decorates their house accordingly, as well. 

Both Katrina and her husband Lars insist that this is her decision and that they both benefit from the traditional role.

How does Katrina's decision make you feel? Would you change this much for your spouse or could you imagine living inspired by a bygone era? We'd love to hear your opinion about Katrina Holte's lifestyle change.