Woman Panicks When She Can't Get Signal To Call 911, Hits Button On Bracelet And Dad Arrives In Minutes

Mar 22, 2019

Being in a situation where you need to call 911 is one of the scariest things that most of us will experience. The only thing that could make it a more difficult situation is if, for some reason, you were unable to call 911 to get the help you so desperately need. That was the situation that Jenelle Valdina found herself in one cold winter morning.

Jenelle woke up expecting the day to be just like any other. She woke up and went through her usual morning routine before getting into her car and heading off to her destination. It was the dead of winter and the roads were all icy.

She drove cautiously and didn’t give too much thought to the road conditions, having spent her entire life as a licensed driver navigating the ice and snow that came with winter roads.


As cautious as Jenelle was a driver, she soon found her car hit a large tract of ice and hydroplaned out of her control. Her car smashed directly into a guard rail on the side of the road. She sustained serious damage to her legs and was unable to get out of the car or to move enough to find her cellphone in her wrecked vehicle.

What made matters even worse was the fact that even if another car came along and stopped to help her, the cell phone service was so bad that they would be likely unable to get a signal to call 911 to help.

Jenelle was extremely frightened and sat alone in her vehicle praying to God to please not let her die in the car wreck, all alone, unable to reach anyone. That’s when Jenelle remembered something amazing.

Her aunt had given her a small, unassuming silver bracelet a few weeks earlier. She looked down and by some miracle that bracelet was lying on the concrete just next to her car. She was able to open the door and reach the bracelet, hitting a button on the small charm that dangled from it.

Within a few minutes, her dad was right by her side, helping her get out of the vehicle. What looks like a pretty basic bracelet is actually a hidden panic button. Jenelle’s dad got her out of the vehicle and safely to the hospital to receive medical treatment.

Check out the video below for the whole story:

How genius is this secret panic button? What better accessory could a woman ask for? Pass this incredible story along to anyone you know who could benefit from an accessory that could truly save their life.