Woman Notices Strange Look In Mother’s Eyes And Just As She Reaches For Child’s Arm The Mother Falls

Sep 07, 2020

In this video from 2016, the cashier of a store in Colorado became a hero when she saved a dicey situation. Rebecca Montano made an important decision only seconds before disaster struck, seconds before a mother was going to have a seizure.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

Rebecca told the news channel that she had just been talking to the baby to get its attention when she noticed that the look in the mother's eyes had turned to stone. The lady was not blinking or focusing her eyes on anything. Rebecca wasn't sure what was happening, but she was immediately nervous and asking the mother if everything was alright. When she didn't answer, she decided to grab ahold of the baby's arm if something were to happen.


Then it all started. The mother started vacantly looking around and trembling, losing her grip on the child. Rebecca quickly grabbed the child and immediately asked another customer for help before calling an ambulance. Even though Rebecca was able to reach the baby in time, she wishes she could have been able to help the mother as well. But while she managed to grab the lady's arm at first, the seizing customer slipped her hold and tumbled to the floor. Thankfully, the ambulance responded quickly, and the 911 responder stayed on the phone with Rebecca until they arrived.

Unfortunately, the seizure was a bad one and kept going on until the paramedics arrived. However, the mother made it through the episode just fine. She even returned to the store some days later and explained that she had suffered from seizures all her life and was very grateful for Rebecca's quick reaction. Even small falls can prove dangerous for small children, and Rebecca made sure the little one wasn't hurt.

An amazing reaction. Now Rebecca hopes that the mother will return to the store one day to ask her how she has been doing since the accident. Have you ever been in a similar situation as Rebecca? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to pass this story on to a friend. 

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