Woman Creates Dolls With Natural Features As Reminder For Kids' Natural Beauty

Sep 09, 2020

Sonia Singh, a Tasmanian toy designer and artist, has designed a range of fashion dolls that look just like real girls do.

The modern media landscape constantly presents images of “ideal beauty.” From magazines to digital ads, you see beautiful models that wear a size 0, have the perfect hair, wear an effortless smile, and have all the right curves.

It’s enough to make anyone feel terrible about their own appearance, as we constantly compare ourselves to the beauty we are bombarded with and never seem able to live up to it.

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In the past, it was a little easier to shield yourself from these unrealistic beauty standards. After all, back then, you could close that magazine and throw it right in the trash where you thought it belonged. But now, in our online lives, it’s almost impossible not to see ads about the latest and greatest fad diet that promises you can lose 30 pounds.

Scrolling through your Instagram feed, you see image after image of perfectly styled, beautiful models who look like they do nothing but workout all day. It’s no wonder that young girls suffer from such low self-esteem.


The truth is none of us can live up these beauty standards, especially as all those images are highly photoshopped or edited to present impossible standards of beauty. Not only do young girls have to deal with online ads that make them feel less than, but the toy industry has also embraced these unrealistic beauty standards as well.

All you have to do is walk down the toy aisle of any store. What will you see? Doll after doll wearing heavy eye makeup and lipstick. Their outfits are no better, either: short skirts, tight tops, and high heels.

And if you thought that your old Barbie with her tight waist, long legs, and bust set a bad example for girls, dolls today set an equally bad, if not worse, example.

However, there are women out there who are working to change these standards and give girls positive examples of beauty.

Body positivity initiatives are working to help girls accept and love the bodies they have, and even the “grombre,” movement, which challenges women to not just accept their gray hair but love it, has gained a ton of steam. These movements encourage all women to embrace their natural beauty.

Sonia Singh, a toy designer and artist, has taken the natural beauty movement to a whole new level. She had designed a range of fashion dolls that look just like real girls do. These dolls skip the heavy makeup and high-fashion outfits. Instead, they have natural faces with fresh, simple makeup, and their outfits are cute and practical for play.

All of Singh’s dolls are upcycled, meaning she rescues them from secondhand shops and gives them a, well, not a makeover but a make-under. She removes the old makeup and repaints it herself, creating adorable little faces that look more like real girls.

These dolls are loved by girls all over the world, because, finally, these see their true selves in a doll.

Singh’s dolls sell out super fast, and she even donates some of her proceeds to worthy causes, such as the Tasmanian Land Conservancy that works to preserve natural habitats. You can check out Singh’s dolls right here at her Etsy shop. She even has cute knitting patterns so that girls can create their own outfits for their dolls.

What do you think of these natural dolls? Would you daughter like to play with one? Or do you wish you had a doll like this when you were young? Tell us what your favorite doll or toy was when you were growing up! And pass this article on to spread the word about these thoughtful and inclusive dolls.

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