Woman Loses 300 Pounds And Shares Before-and-After Photos Wearing The Same Exact Outfits To Celebrate

Sep 11, 2018

Most people set a new goal before quickly forgetting about it. One exceptional couple managed to make their weight loss dreams come true. On January 1, 2016, Lexi and Danny Read were living in Indiana. Together, they weighted 765 pounds. Finally, they became fed up with their weight and decided to make a change in their lifestyle. 

Danny weighed 280 pounds at the time. Meanwhile, Lexi topped the scales at 485 pounds. When New Year's Day rolled around, the couple decided on a new resolution. They would start living a healthier lifestyle and lose weight. Their weight loss journey became viral through their Instagram account, “Fat Girl Fed Up.”


The Beginning of an Amazing Weight Loss Journey

Being obese can hurt your physical health and even lead to fatal consequences. Because of this, Lexi and Danny decided that they had to make some changes. One of their friends challenged them to go a month without eating out. They accepted the challenge, but they also decided to make other changes.

Before the challenge started, the pair would return from work to eat fast food in front of the television. They enjoyed their comfortable lifestyle, but it was not healthy for their bodies.

As soon as they stopped eating out, they immediately noticed the difference.

During the first 30 days, they did not party with their friends or have cheat meals. Each day, they had a perfectly healthy diet. The first 30 days were the hardest.

After the first month, the couple knew what they could and could not eat. From that point on, healthy eating was a part of their new lifestyle.

You will often hear stories about people drinking a special shake or eating a fad soup to lose weight. Unlike these other stories, Danny and Lexi used a sustainable lifestyle to get in shape. They change their exercise program, their social life, their diet and their marriage to achieve lasting weight loss.

How the Reeds Lost 300 Pounds

1. Get Rid of Processed Foods

One of the biggest changes was in what they ate. Instead of fast food or processed food, the Reed family began cooking at home. They read nutrition labels and carefully tracked their calories.

2. Working Out Every Day

The next step was to start working out. Lexi worked out on the elliptical for 30 minutes a day. She took only two days off a week.

3. Be Accountable

When you are exhausted, it is hard to convince yourself that you want to work out or cook a healthy dinner. For these lazy moments, you need a lifestyle partner. Lexi and Danny motivated each other constantly, so they were always held accountable.

These lifestyle changes may seem easy, but they are difficult to do when you are tired, exhausted or stressed out. Danny and Lexi managed to make amazing changes in their life by committing to their new plan. After two and a half years, the couple has lost an exceptional amount of weight.

Lexi lost 183 pounds, and Danny lost 191 pounds.

Before, Lexi was a size 28. She now fits into a size 10. Danny went from a size 46 to 32. Because of their successful changes, Lexi started documenting their journey on their Instagram accounts.

These changes were not always easy for the high school sweethearts. They had to deal with food cravings and weight plateaus. When they went to the gym, people would stare at them because they were so out of shape. They managed to confront and overcome these problems by working together.

Now, Lexi's Instagram account has 780,000 followers. Danny's account has achieved 75,200 followers. People from around the world have become inspired by this young couple.

If you want to change your life, you can start by adopting Lexi's useful lifestyle advice.


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