Woman Grieves Her Dead Ex, Later Catches Him Working In A Local Restaurant

Nov 02, 2019

If you’re dating these days, you may occasionally feel inclined to use an old hackneyed phrase: “I miss the good ole days.” In today’s dating world of swiping left or right, it sometimes seems that dating has gotten all too casual.

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So, when exactly in the modern dating world has the point been reached where things have just gotten so casual that they have become out of control? Perhaps when people start faking their deaths simply to get out of ending a casual dating experience?

That is the ultimate “ghosting” situation to put someone in. “Ghosting” means that you seem to be having a great time with someone, and then they disappear like a ghost, leaving you with complete radio silence and no explanation.


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Sure, you may be thinking that faking your death to avoid having the awkward “it’s over” conversation seems absurd. Surely no one would go that far?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to a young woman in Australia named Rachel. She had been seeing a man who has been given the pseudonym “Alistair” by Australia's ABC News.

At the time, Rachel hadn’t heard about the female moorland hawker dragonfly’s little trick. According to National Geographic, they have a way of faking their death merely to get out of having sex. This fact was brought to light by biologist Rassim Khelifa, who was studying the moorland hawker dragonfly and found that females would fake their death to get out of having sex.

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Rassim’s research uncovered the fact that after mating once with a male of their species and laying their eggs, many female dragonflies have no interest in mating again. Therefore, when a male approaches them, these lady dragonflies will freeze and drop to the ground, pretending to have died until the male dragonfly leaves them alone. When Rachel was in a relationship with Alistair, he took it upon himself to do that same thing: disappear and then pretending to be dead.

Rachel and Alistair met while working at the same restaurant. Rachel was a server and Alistair was the restaurant’s chef. However, things got tricky when Alistair broke his hand (in a fight, no less). He couldn’t do his work and ended up asking Rachel to borrow $1,000 to get him by, which she lent him.

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Rachel ended things for a completely non-related reason and Alistair had only repaid Rachel $300 of the $1,000 he borrowed. Alistair then completely disappeared and Rachel soon learned he had done the same thing to his friends, owing them money too. He owed a total of $2,200 when he disappeared.

A story loosely circulated that Alistair had gone to rehab, but the story quickly began to unravel. One day, Rachel received a call that Alistair had died. His mom even backed up the story, telling people that her son was murdered by a biker gang that he also owed money to. Rachel was expectedly upset, but she allowed herself time to grieve his death and then tried to move forward with her life.

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Two years later, Rachel was dining in a local restaurant with a friend. She remembered that Alistair's brother worked as a server in that particular restaurant. Upon asking her server if she could talk to Alistair’s brother, her server casually responded that he wasn’t in, but Alistair was.

Rachel said she immediately went into complete shock. The manager came to Rachel’s table shortly after and asked her and her friend to leave. Alistair’s mom texted Rachel that Alistair had been fired as a result.

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Once again, Rachel moved on and thought she was over the situation, right before she bumped into him at a different local restaurant a few years down the road. Alistair had the nerve to pretend that he didn’t know who she was, although he clearly recognized her.

Rachel still doesn’t know why Alistair chose the moorland hawker dragonfly method to fake his death, but she says he would have gotten caught eventually, even if he wasn’t foolish enough to stay in the same town.

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Can you believe someone would fake their death rather than having one simple, albeit awkward, conversation? Pass this along to anyone who is having a tough time dating, or with someone lucky enough to have found the right person and doesn’t have to deal with hoopla like what Alistair put Rachel through.