Woman Follows The Stray Cat Who Would Accept Food Only If It's In A Bag She Can Carry, And Finds Out The Reason

Nov 29, 2018

There's nothing as powerful as a mother's love, regardless of the species of that mother. A mom will do anything to make sure her kids are safe, happy, and healthy.

One mother certainly reminded the world of just how beautiful a mother's love really is. This mother in question is a cat named Dongsuk that recently went viral after her act of love was caught on camera.


This momma cat often sought shelter by the home of a compassionate woman. This woman regularly left food out for the kitty and even developed a friendship with her. Over time, this woman realized something strange about the cat.

If the cat received food that was presented on a plate, she wouldn't eat it. Regardless of how hungry Dongsuk was, she never touched the food unless it was in a plastic bag.

Whenever Dongsuk's dinner was left in a bag, she would happily take her package and run off with it.

As the woman continued to feed her neighborhood's stray cats, she made sure to keep the food in a special bag just for Dongsuk. After doing this for sometime, the woman's curiosity got the best of her. She had to know where Dongsuk was taking the bagged food!

The woman went to investigate one day. Following Donksuk, she soon discovered something shocking.

The cat wasn't taking the food for herself at all; she took the bagged dinner in order to feed her kitten!

As the woman continued to investigate, she learned that Dongsuk recently gave birth to five kittens. However, after an unfortunate accident, all but one kitten was still alive. Both orange tabbies, Dongsuk and her baby looked just alike.

When Dongsuk returned to her kitty, she opened the bag, allowing her baby to eat first. Then, Dongsuk would eat the remainder of whatever was left. The woman was incredibly touched by the actions of this mother cat. She knew she had to give both cats a better life.

Once she saw how Dongsuk and her baby were living, the woman immediately decided to adopt both cats. Now, the cats no longer have to struggle to eat--they have a new home and an owner that loves them very much!

What a touching story! Watch the video for yourself to see how incredible this furry mom's love is. Leave a comment with your thoughts below and send this to your loved ones!