Woman Finally Catches Her Secret Admirer After Finding Flowers On Her Doorstep Every Morning

Oct 26, 2018

When moving into a new home, most people feel a mix of excitement and agitation. The process of decorating the home and transforming it into the space you envision is exciting. However, there is a lot of work involved.

A new home is also mysterious. The floorboards sometimes squeak and there could be strange sounds in the darkness of the night. But Rosie experienced something not quite common with new homeowners. Each morning when she awakened, there were flower petals strewn across her porch. 

Rosie thought at first that the petals on her porch were carried there by a strong wind. But in time she realized that too many petals were present each morning to name the wind as the culprit. Her next thought was that she had attracted the attention of a secret admirer.


A few days later Rosie was in the kitchen fixing her dinner. A quick look out the window provided her with a glimpse of her secret admirer. To Rosie's surprise, her secret admirer was a female. Rosie grabbed her camera, she wanted to record her admirer in action.

She reached the porch just in time to catch Willow, the black cat that belonged to the next door neighbor, leaving another gift.

Rosie knew that it was Willow's way of showing gratitude for kindness Rosie regularly showed the furry feline. But what Rosie didn't understand was how did the cat know about the gift of flowers? Rosie met Willow when first moving into her new home.

She was carrying a box down a hallway and found Willow in her home asleep. Willow returns often, and if the patio door to Rosie's home is closed, Willow will meow until Rosie responds by letting the cat in the house.

Willow also travels to the homes of other neighbors to find a nice place to sleep. Some of the neighbors even keep a cardboard box available for her comfort. Rosie is so enamored with her secret admirer that she now allows Willow to take her naps on the couch.

Have you ever had a secret admirer? Was he or she as adorable as Willow? Send this article and video to the cat lovers in your friends' circle. They will appreciate the good vibes.