Young Woman Had No Idea She Was 42 Weeks Pregnant

Nov 23, 2019

Pregnancy can take many people by surprise; however, few are as stunned as a young mother named Ally Opfer. Rather than just being shocked by a pregnancy test, Ally was knocked off her feet to realize that she was in labor after having no idea that she was even expecting!

It all started on December 21, 2016 when Ally woke up ready to start her day as normal. According to reports in The Daily Mail, a few hours into the morning she had some mild cramps; however, she quickly brushed them aside and decided that she was probably about to start her period.

Working as a high school cheerleading coach, Ally had to spend most of her day at games and then at practice. While the cramps were beginning to get worse, she had no choice but to ignore them and plow on through as normal.

It was only after an agonizing night spent in pain that couldn’t be helped with ibuprofen that Ally realized something was seriously wrong. She spent most of the next day lying on the couch, crying out in pain when she was hit by serious cramps. Ally’s parents, who she lives with, suggested that she go to the hospital, but Ally refused. She thought that she would look silly to go to the ER for nothing more than menstrual cramps. Just to be sure, Ally took a pregnancy test – which came up negative.

By that night, Ally was in such pain that she had to scream in agony when the cramps came. Finally, she decided that enough was enough and agreed to go to the hospital.

When she walked through the doors of the ER, Ally was seriously afraid that she was going to die. Nurses hurried to check her vitals and set her up on pain medicine. The hospital staff's first thought was pregnancy but, considering Ally’s small size and her false pregnancy test, they decided it must be kidney stones.

It was when Ally went in for her ultrasound that they discovered the truth. Ally was pregnant and was in heavy labor, being 10 centimeters dilated! Instead of being treated for kidney stones, she was rushed to the delivery section of the hospital.

While the baby was healthy, it was breech and would need to be delivered by C-section. Within a matter of minutes, a little boy was delivered and handed to Ally to hold. The girl who thought that she was simply experiencing menstrual cramps was now a new mom!

Ally decided to name the baby Oliver and he went home on Christmas Eve. How is that for a surprise Christmas present? Mom and baby are still doing fine and Oliver is growing in leaps and bounds!

Have you ever heard of someone being pregnant and they didn’t even know it?