Woman Becomes Courageous Before 60th Birthday, Tells Stylist To Do Whatever He Wants

Sep 07, 2020

Last year, Debbie, a mother, was about to turn 60. Feeling frumpy, fed up and being a fan of Christopher Hopkins "The Makeover Guy", this Chicago lady decided she was ready for a big change.

The astounding result had this mom unable to recognize who she saw in the mirror!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

When you are feeling down about your appearance, there is no better feeling than the results from a makeover. In addition to loving how you look, you may receive numerous compliments from other people.

These compliments can transform how you feel about yourself and make you feel on top of the world. This was the case for Debbie, which you can see in the video below. 


Christopher Hopkins was worked hard to receive the moniker of “The Makeover Guy.” His makeover skills have been highlighted on television shows like Today and The Oprah Winfrey Show. He has written several books and regularly provides makeovers to his clients off the air in his hometown of Minneapolis.

In addition to serving the people of Minneapolis, he and his crew help people from all across the world who travel to see him. His crew includes hairstylists and skilled fashion advisors.

Christopher and his team updated Debbie’s hair color to erase the signs of aging, and they took years off of her appearance as a result.

Their efforts extended to a fresh façade from new cosmetics. Her wardrobe and accessories were modernized in line with her lifestyle and preferences. Debbie was ecstatic with the end result of the team’s efforts, and you can imagine that her level of self-confidence shot through the roof. She happily says, "I am fabulous" when she sees the result. 

Have you ever had a major makeover, or have you been thinking that it is time for a major improvement? Leave your feedback for others to read in the spaces below. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and family so they can see this amazing transformation for themselves.

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