Wolf Dog Saved After Owner Dumps Him At Kill Center Because He Was Too Much to Handle

Apr 04, 2019

At the moment, it has been estimated that there are about 300,000 wolves roaming free in the world. Humans often fear wolves, but in reality, wolves will usually stay away from humans.

However, some people believe that when a wolf is mixed with a domestic dog, the animal then becomes domesticated and will make a great pet.

Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. We are just grateful for the many volunteers who step up and care for the millions of abandoned and abused animals that land in shelters around the world.

Wolves have always been a part of our stories and folklore. That may be because they have been on the planet about as long as humans.

They are actually now extinct in the United Kingdom. They can be found in the United States, although they are considered a rare breed. They are pack creatures who are very interesting to observe and learn about.


This is the story about Yuki- a dog who was actually a lot more wolf than dog.

He had been abandoned by his owners because of his very large size. Unfortunately, that shelter is known as a kill shelter, so the Shy Wolf Sanctuary came to get him.

When they did, they performed a DNA test on the big dog.

He only had 3.9% German shephard and 8.6% Siberian husky in him. The rest, all 87.5%, was grey wolf. It was truly amazing!

The shelter has a lot of hope for Yuki. He was extremely healthy and friendly when they brought him back to the sanctuary. They hope that one day he can be the “ambassador” wolf dog for all of the other animals there.

However, there were some problems that the shelter had to deal with. Yuki ended up getting injured and had to go through five surgeries to heal his leg. While he was in solitary enclosures, Yuki developed what is known as cage aggression.

However, many volunteers are working to make sure Yuki gets back to normal as quickly as possible.

Yuki loves the lady volunteers and has a few special friends that he allows in his space. This is actually known as a “harem” in the wolf world.

You can check out how amazing Yuki is for yourself, look at the video below:

We can’t believe how big Yuki really is! What do you think about this big dog? Leave us a comment and then pass this amazing story on to your friends!