With Measles Outbreak Spreading Over 21 States, Doctors Beg Parents To Vaccinate Kids

Aug 20, 2018

The vaccine wars have left children vulnerable. Measles, once thought defeated, is rearing its head in 2018. Doctors want to call a ceasefire and gets kids vaccinated.

21 states — plus the District of Columbia — are reporting measles outbreaks so far this year. More than 100 laboratory-confirmed cases have cropped up, and experts are worried the disease will spread even faster as temperatures cool and school starts back up. Measles is highly contagious and spreads quickly as children cough and sneeze.

Here is a video about the recent outbreak:


There is no cure for measles. Doctors can give medicine to treat the symptoms, but patients must let the disease run its course. Typically, this takes 2 to 3 weeks. If you want to avoid the heartbreak of watching your child fight off fever and muscle pain for weeks at a time, get them vaccinated. It’s the only way to prevent measles. Most kids receive the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) shot.

Some parents object to vaccines of any kind, claiming shots can lead to autism. Scientists and doctors have long argued that vaccines are safe. Concerned parents can talk to the family physician about delaying measles shots until the child is school-aged. Many anti-vaccine activists think that infants are most vulnerable to shots, so if you’re worried, waiting a few years might make you feel better.

Measles can be fatal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 25 percent of young children with measles have to go to the hospital. If you’ve ever taken your kid there, you know how awful it is to see your child vulnerable in a hospital bed. Even with treatment, some children face long-term brain damage and even death.

Check out this video about parents who refuse to vaccinate their children:

Have you or any of your friends had to take your child to the hospital? What do you want other parents to know about the experience? Pass this article on to your friends and loved ones!