Why Your Grandma Is The Biggest Blessing In Your Life

Mar 08, 2016

You have many people in your life to be thankful for: your parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends, teachers, and neighbors. All of them have impacted your life in a special way. They give you love and emotional support and are there to pick you up when life knocks you down. Of all the people that bless your life, however, none of them will quite measure up to your grandma. She is the biggest blessing you will ever know in life.

From the moment, you were born a special connection was forged with your grandma. She bounced you on her knee when you were just a toddler and by the time, you could walk and talk you always looked forward to spending the night at her house. Your grandma knew how to keep you entertained and having fun even when you felt bad. If you were sick, your grandma had the right medicine to make you feel better.

Being at your grandma's house was much different than being at home with your parents. It was always much better at grandma's. Your grandma would make cookies and take you to the park to play on the swings. Everything you liked to do, your grandma also liked. There were fewer rules to follow at Grandma's house, too. You could take a bubble bath for an hour and stay up way past your bedtime. Whenever she took you to the store your Grandma would buy you something that you wanted. You could watch your favorite cartoons and television shows all day if you wanted to and your grandma would never change the channel.

Then you started getting older and you didn't see your grandma as often. Things were different. You had school to think about and new friends and activities. In the summer, you might be on a vacation with friends while your grandma was thinking about you back at home. If things slowed down for you and there was a chance to visit her again, your grandma never complained or chastised you for not coming by. She was just happy to see you once more. Your grandma is someone you never had to apologize to.

When you think back to all the happy times you spent with your grandma you will realize just how special she is. No one in your life will ever be able to hold the same place in your heart. You might be all grown up now but to your grandma, you will always be that young child that is the center of her world. She will always take you out for a meal and send you letters with a five dollar bill inside. Your grandma does these things just because she loves you.

Whether you know it or not, your grandma is the biggest blessing in your life. All of us need someone that will show us, unconditional love. A grandma will never turn her back on you no matter how many mistakes you make, how often you go between visits, or how often you miss calling her on her own birthday. Your grandma will always be right there waiting for you just like she was when you were little.

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